Just bought a Prius C yesterday. I have no problems playing music/podcasts from my iPod Nano (5th Gen), but I really hate the on-screen controls on the Prius stereo. I have been browsing/selecting music from my iPod for years, and it's much faster than the on-screen controls. Not only do you have to push 17 buttons to scroll down to whatever you're looking to play, but then you have to wait for it to load when running through the dashboard controls. I have found that I spend more time not looking at the road with the dashboard controls than I do in my Camry (that has a stereo with a setting to select music from the iPod itself). Is there a way to control what is playing via the iPod itself?
When I connect with bluetooth on my iPod touch 5th gen the on screen controls don't work and I have to use the iPod controls to change playlists, etc. The only dashboard controls that work are skip tracks but the folder control doesn't work. If you want to use the iPod controls try connecting via bluetooth.
Thanks for the reply. I tried this out and it works just as you said for my iPhone. Unfortunately the iPod Nano doesn't have bluetooth, so it looks like I might best stuck using the clunky dashboard controls for a while.