Lot 6 will be closer, but still a bit of a walk to terminal 5 for Delta. If you can drop off baggage for checking prior to parking, or have someone travelling with you to watch your stuff while you park, you just need to allow an extra 10 minutes or so to park and walk back to the terminal. Alternatively, maybe you could grab one of those carts people leave in the parking garages to haul your luggage.
Flame-proof suit on: Why is it certain vehicles, PIP for one, would get free parking? Recall once parking a family members vehicle at YVR (Vancouver International), at around 11pm. Their flight came in around 12:30 am, and when they drove out of the lot they were charged for Two Days Parking, since the vehicle had been there on two calendar days. The bill was over $60.
It's supposed to encourage folks to buy those vehicles. Just like subsidizing the cost of gasoline - the cost for US drivers is about half of the real cost of gas - so it encourages its use - as schizophrenic as that is. SGH-I717R ? 2
So you can charge for free, but must pay to park. If you park for a week do you use up the charging port for the entire week. This doesn't really seem to be an efficeint use of chargers. How many chargers? Mike
welcome to the new reality - it used to be lawful to unplug a plugin that was fully charged. GM - as I stated above - lobbied to make that courtesy behavior illegal. So now - some poor slob who pulls in with their EV on empty ... too bad - they are hosed at that spot for the next week or 2, because somebody needed 2 hours in charge to top off. SGH-I717R ? 2
But that's not even the issue. The cord is only so long. Even if it was "legal" to unplug, where would your "poor slob" park? The only way to handle this situation is to have valet parking where the valets move the cars around once they are done charging. The other thing is that long-term parking should be prohibited on these spots and wall outlets should be installed near "regular" parking spots. Even an 85 kWh Model S doesn't need to use an L2 charger if it's being parked at the airport for more than 2 days.
One charger on a pole can have the cable reach to 4 or 6 parking spaces...easy for front charging Leafs...in some spots a PIP needs to back in. Mike
What do you mean illegal? I'm talking about one charger with one cable. Multiple parking spots. When one car is done charging the cable is moved to another car without the first driver needing to be there to move his/her car out of the way. We do this at work everyday. Mike
It ends March 1. Bummer. I was flying out of LAX as opposed to OC due to the free parking in the garage... but now I'll go back to OC when possible. Closer to home, easy to get a ride to the airport and leave the car in my driveway. Well, it was good while it lasted!
... and yet numerous Volt owners say their car isn't even a hybrid - but rather that it's an EV. Oh the irony. what you can/can't do in a private employers' parking lot is not necessarily the same as a public parking lot. Apples and oranges. Unplugging another owner's plugin in a public lot is now illegal in LA public parking lots. It's old news - already been discussed. SGH-I717R ? 2