Answer Me This Prius Vee’erz w/ ScanGauge Or Other TechnoKnowledgable Petrol Warfighters

Discussion in 'Prius v Technical Discussion' started by catgic, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. catgic

    catgic Mastr & Commandr Hybrid Guru

    Jul 7, 2007
    HTTP 404 Not Found
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Gathered Prius Vee’erz & Et Al Gurus & Guruettes - It is not clear to me exactly what the HSD is doing at each of the three COASTING-REGEN-BRAKING “White Line” graduated level indications on the Hybrid System Indicator (HSI) display of the v (vee).

    I am Seat-Of-The-Pants, Wild-nice person Guessing that:

    • One White Bar illuminated means MGen1 is engaged in the Regenerative Mode
    • Two White Bars mean MGen1 and MGen2 are engaged in Regeneration
    • Three White Bars mean MGen1, MGen2 with a tad of the onset of Friction Braking.

  2. Chazz8

    Chazz8 Gadget Lover

    Sep 19, 2008
    Central New York
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I have studied the (traction) Battery Amps , Friction Brake Sensor, along with Hybrid System Indicator (HDI). I was trying to determine why it was so easy to glide in my wife's Gen II (no arrows on energy display) and so hard to glide in my Prius v (gave up on no arrows and try instead for no green or white bars on HSI). I found that flickering green or white, or even just into solid green, on the HSI on my Prius v (wagon) was very similar to no arrows on energy display in Gen II, in that they both showed single digit amp draw on the traction battery. Under these glide conditions the Gen II would draw 5 amps (+/- 3) and the Prius v (wagon) would draw 5 amps (+/- 4). That felt good. First time I wrote that observation up. Still need to get some video to back it up and share with PC.

    Now to answer your question. I believe that the three white bars of the Hybrid System Indicator (HDI) in the charge area (p 201 Owners Manual) indicate amount of charge going back into the traction battery. The Friction Brake Sensor does not register any friction brake usage until the traction battery says uncle because there are too many amps going into it. This is for gradual braking that I do %99 of the time. It might be different for abrupt braking. The 3rd white bar is not the max regenerative charge, but rather the beginning of the highest range. I often see the third white bar light up and no friction braking indicated. The third white bar comes on around 55 amps and then if I nudge the brake a little more I will see the regen amps get into the eighties or occasionally briefly into the nineties before I see the friction brakes blended into the stopping action. I am quite amazed how smoothly it blends friction and regen braking. All these amp values are from memory and should be considered approximate. I will try to get some video of this to share and nail down regen amp values for the different white bars. Best guess is 1st white bar is 0 - 24 amps, 2nd white bar is 25 - 54, and 3rd white bar is 55 - 97 of traction battery charging amps.

    I found one weird situation when the white bars do not represent regen charge going back into the traction battery. If you are using regen braking and you hit (bump or pothole) or slip (wet manhole cover or slippery patch) it switches off regen braking and uses friction braking only. Some people describe this switch as feeling like an acceleration. When this happens I see the Friction Brake Sensor value jump and the regen amps disappear but the white bars stay lit. I have thought of writing Toyoda about this to see what they say.

    ScanGuages from here; Welcome to Google Docs
    (traction) Battery Amps on line 25
    Friction Brake Sensor on line 74
    AtoyotA and JimboPalmer like this.
  3. catgic

    catgic Mastr & Commandr Hybrid Guru

    Jul 7, 2007
    HTTP 404 Not Found
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Chazz8 – You are a true gentleman and a scholar. Outstanding ScanGauge II data reporting on what is happening in the Pruis v (vee) HSD Innards with respect to the Three “White Lines” in the CHG [Charge] Area/Zone of the v (vee)’s Hybrid System Indicator.

    I am guessing that your 1st white bar is 0 - 24 amps, 2nd white bar is 25 - 54, and 3rd white bar is 55 - 97 of traction battery charging amps BEST GUESS is a very GOOD GUESS as to what, and how much REGEN Charging is happening when at the various levels of “White Line Zone” operation.

    Like yours is, my “Hybrid $mart” driving technique is one of “gradual braking that I do 99% of the time.” Proof again the “Great Minds & Savvy Prius Drivers Think & Drive Alike.”

    Thanks much for the Chazz8 observational information that says: “I found that flickering GREENor WHITE, or even just into SOLID GREEN, on the HSI on my Prius v (wagon) was very similar to no arrows on energy display in Gen II, in that they both showed single digit amp draw on the traction battery.” I, too, am a Prius GEN II Pilot who did much “BLACK LINE [No Arrows] COASTING” in my 2G, and so will appropriately incorporate this new “Chazz8 Knowledge” into the driving technique I use in my v (vee), and add it to my Ten Tips Guide…. Applying it ought to be good for an additional incremental 0.1, 0.2…or…0.n tenths gain in Per Tank-Full MPG-FE.
  4. mikefocke

    mikefocke Prius v Three 2012, Avalon 2011

    Nov 3, 2012
    Sanford, NC
    Other Hybrid
    Could the below be the ABS kicking in due to uneven traction? Doubt ABS works with regen

    "I found one weird situation when the white bars do not represent regen charge going back into the traction battery. If you are using regen braking and you hit (bump or pothole) or slip (wet manhole cover or slippery patch) it switches off regen braking and uses friction braking only. Some people describe this switch as feeling like an acceleration. When this happens I see the Friction Brake Sensor value jump and the regen amps disappear but the white bars stay lit. I have thought of writing Toyoda about this to see what they say."
  5. Chazz8

    Chazz8 Gadget Lover

    Sep 19, 2008
    Central New York
    2012 Prius v wagon
    It is just the well known "hit a bump and felt Prius accelerate" issue, caused by wheel slippage shutting down regen. But it's weird that the white charge bars stay lit after it has switched to friction braking and there is no regen going on.