Two days ago I inadvertently left some dog treats in the glove box of my 2011 and yesterday I found mouse poop in the glove box. Further inspection found all material of the cabin air filter wadded up above the filter element. Can someone tell me how that bugger got in there, the only path I could trace would be through the grill work under the windshield. After the clean-up and replacement of the filter I am still trying to figure out how he got in there!!
The previous owner of my car had the same problem at one point. I also find whole leaves on top of the cabin filter. I've wondered how they get in there.
I pulled out of the driveway at o-dark thirty a few weeks ago and as I was watching the garage door close a big rat jumped out from under my car and ran up the driveway and into the garage! I was like Wth? I've found mouse droppings on my inverter case and it appears they have chewed on some black foam insulation near the cabin filter. I have rat poison all over the garage now and they have been eating it. Time to check my vents and start mouse proofing.
"Building Green" carries a price - the Prius comes assembled with with all kinds of yummy materials. Mice especially love its fluffy-white wiring insulation...
Be prepared to find dead rodents in your yard, garage and possibly in your car. Hopefully they won't die in an inaccessible part of your house or car. They tend to leave their nesting areas and head for a water source, as anticoagulant rodent poisons produce dehydration.