I see the enclosed 2 wheel EV and I see the bicycle type EV, but who's making a full road bike EV like a Harley or Victory style? Part of the thrill of a motorcycle is "not" being enclosed! Having full visibility for other drivers, the surrounding landscapes and feeling the wind on your face the smells! As well as instant power from a strong engine to stay out of people's way? Seems traveling 80 mph on a quiet bike would be a dream! While it could be more dangerous not having the loud noise, it would certainly make for a peaceful ride! You could cruise through the beauty of the country without disturbing wildlife. "also possibly dangerous". I would think they would be extremely efficient. Wonder why this hasn't hit the market yet? Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
The regulatory and liability cost to introduce a highway speed motorbike in the US seems to be prohibitive and the market small compared to Asia.
Funny. You can buy an ultralight for about 8k and legally fly it with a 10 hr class. Seems building an ev road bike shouldn't be a big deal... Especially when low powered mopeds are legal. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
ZERO S ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE However, as far as a Hog or something, I don't think it will happen. EV power is very sensitive to weight/power balance. If you want a huge machine like that the closest would probably be a convertible EV.
Nice! Very cool, That's a start! An excellent commute bike! Thanks, I did join their. Mailing list and may even take a Ride on one, looks like they have a dealer in my area! Looks like a bigger frame, 4 times bigger battery with highway bars etc would be a big seller.... Prob would have 300+ mile range then. Having 76-114 mile capacity "based on which battery you choose ' is a little less than what bikes do now " I can get 150 - 180 miles on mine based on how I drive it. But a refill is only 5 min too on gas. While people don't mind frequent refills on a bike to stretch your legs, there are not the charging stations to facilitate a serious trip without more miles. Making a bike that could do more miles would take the fear factor out. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
I wonder if you take a given size engine out, like say a 1507cc and weigh the engine, then put equivalent weight & size of lithium batteries in its place with an electric motor of similar horsepower abilities, would that combination be more powerful than the original gas engine that was removed? ? Or would more space be needed for batteries to develop that kind of muscle ? Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Alan, you gotta get out more often. It seems I saw this hog about a year ago or more: Siemens did a slick job on the electric's imo .
Electric Motorcycles: The Case For KLD Energy Technologies from Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News Look Ma! No gears, no chain, no oil, no gas!
Wow. Awesome... That's the only one I've seem that doesn't look like a dirt bike or crotch rocket... Never been fond of riding all day on my nuts! Did you see anywhere if they had the guts to show their price was that one just a prototype? Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
If I rememer, Siemens took on the project as a one off/proof of concept . . . . so it's a start! The trick will be convincing bikers to not get creaped out by the absence of ear damaging exhaust noise.
True, but there are enough bikers plenty will keep these guys in business if the price isn't stupid expensive. Many bikers wear ear plugs now or full helmets just to damper noise. I know the setup cost to manufacturer will be expensive, but replacing the fine gas engines with electric motors and batteries should be a reasonable exchange. This is why I'm frustrated with the price of the volt. Going full electric negates the need for an engine and transmission.... This should more than pay for a battery and electric motor. Seems the rpm issue and they way they have to engineer the transmission could be expensive though. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
most electric motors still need a transmission for transportation applications. the KLD design above is an exception because of some proprietary materials. lightweight batteries and electric motor(s) still cost a bit more than a gas engine and empty gas tank. if you don't need the extended range, the Leaf or Spark are full electric, without a gas engine.
I do need extended range, and there are limits to my lack of dignity.... LOL! Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Hey I'm late to the conversation but would like to add my thoughts on the subject As things get tougher energy cost wise IMO the electric motorcycle makes a lot of sense as part of your "fleet of vehicles". I have been toying with idea myself and think that the best outcome given the present state of the technology available, weight, power, range, that the hack (sidecar) is the way to go. I have a Ural and it is great for light hauling duties around town. The side car can handle 650lbs of gear and people. Seems like that would go a long ways on extending the range available?? RAL
Maybe you need to consider a new job so you can get the Zero security model: Zero releases police and security motorcycle line-up for 2013 Interesting it comes with a CHAdeMO plug for recharging to 95% range (which is > 100miles) in an hour.