I attempted to park at a charger at a public parking lot in Anaheim. There were 4 chargers, two of them with J-1772 connectors, one with an Avcom charger, and one with a paddle charger. I attempted to park at one of the J-1772 charger locations, but the cable was not long enough to reach the charger port. And, there were numerous signs through out the parking lot that said "Head In Parking only", so I did not want to try parking backwards, which would allow the cable to reach the charger location. A parking attendant saw me pondering what to do, and she told me that in fact, yes the city will cite vehicles that park backwards, even if to use the free charger. She gave the addresses of a few adjacent charging locations. Those locations were all Chargepoint chargers that wanted $2/hour to charge. This public parking lot has free chargers. I know that the Nissan Leaf, and the Chevy Volt have their chargers located at the front of the car, so they would be able to park head first and use the free charger. In addition there was a Toyota Electric Rav 4 in the parking lot, that was apparently a city vehicle. It was parked and using a J-1772 charger cable, that was plugged into a J-1772 to Avcom adapter -- instead of using the Avcom charger.
I would have backed in and taken pictures and fought the ticket. I don't understand head in only parking.
The free chargepoint I use, the cable appears to be 20 feet, same as car. I have to be a little precise, but the cable makes it OK. I also agree, that a minor protest would not hurt, probably the managers of the parking are not aware of these problems.
J1772 connector extension cable? | PriusChat I would start by requesting longer cords on the charge stations.
I'd escalate beyond the attendant, and ask whatever city department sponsors the chargers. If that produces the wrong answer, continue up the management ladder another step, or several steps. If that sequence never produces the right answer, I'd be tempted to try beilinsk's approach. Many reasonable judges (which certainly isn't all judges) ought to find that your mechanical constraints on using the charger take precedence over the head-in rule applied to everyone else. But you will have to decide whether the time cost of this fight, and the risk of loss, is worthwhile.
Why would ANY location require Head-In parking vs Back-In parking? It's safer if you're Backed-In to just drive out.
I spoke to the Parking Manager at Galleria shopping center and told her that 4 spots should be reserved for parking as there were 4 cables for charging. There are only 2 reserved spots. She attempted to muddy the conversation by mentioning that 2 of them were 220 Volts. I told her that was incorrect they were all 110V. And mentioned this was not the subject. I got back to the subject, she then retorted with the fact that the chargers were free, but soon they will not be. After that frightening comment, I gave up. Many people out there without a clue. So now when all 4 spots are in use, 2 by ICE Cars, I just park illegally in a non-spot waiting for a ticket.
I've seen places like that. The most recent encounter I can remember was at BART - Daly City. I'm guessing that it's so that they can tow people more easily, if needed. But that only makes sense to me if the car is RWD... but most cars (non-light-truck vehicles) are FWD now. Maybe the signs/rules were before most cars migrated to being FWD? Another reason for some places is where the exhaust goes. If parking spots are in front of a building w/windows that can open, then backing in == exhaust going into building.
Only reason I can think of would be in states that do not require a front license plate. If you don't have a front plate and back in, then a parking enforcement person would need to walk to the back of your car to record the plate. Only reason I can think of. And yes, towing needs to get the front wheels off the ground, so I don't think that is the issue. Hijacked thread
And this is why Toyota should've left the plug point at the front end of the car like in the prototype. I think the head first policy is to minimize accidents and speed up the parking process so people can shop. I can usually back out of a parking spot in one go. Backing into a spot has a higher chance of requiring a 3 point or more. But for whatever reasons, the owners of some parking lots require head first only. It is their property and we need to comply. What we need is a J-1772 extender cable.
Two charge ports on the PIP would be even better- one in front like the Leaf and one in the rear where it already is. A second charge port wouldn't be very expensive to include if it was built-in at the factory from the get-go as a standard feature. I still think a simple 15' J-1772 cable would be a good thing to have. Do the charge stations that the OP referred to have a 110v option (like the ChargePoint station I use daily has) where you could use the OEM Toyota EVSE cordset?
so then . . . . . does that mean the goal is NOT really to run EV, but rather to get a freebie? How about supporting (paid) infrastructure so the more vendors will take it on. Competition brings the price down, right? Once all the FREEloader EVSE's go away (and I can hardly wait - because there's nothing worse then plugin's that charge for a short time but just camp at the stall rather than move it) it will put an end to many folks inconsiderate behavior. Not saying the OP would do this - but sadly the behavior IS rampent. In any event, here's the good news. Buy a 12 guage 15 foot extension cord. Lock it to your portable EVSE, and you can still use the L1 function on the Chargepoint systems wich (IFAIK) the Chargepoint systems do include, most always. I've freed up many a charge stall that way. It'd be great to see other doing like wise. Anyone else here, hopefully? .
I have used the L1 position several times, did not need an extension. I do have the same extension tho. As for chargers being free, this is probably the only way consumers will be enticed to HV, PIP and BEV. BUT, even at $1 an hour I would be disinclined to use it. The BEVs have no choice.