Hi all. Thanks for all the suggestions and sorry for not posting more a more timely response. Here is the day 2 update: I was able to open the rear hatch by crawling through the back seat manually releasing the latch thanks to the owners manual. This gave me access to the 12v battery. I also called Toyota Care since I have the roadside assistance. On the phone they were not very helpful. The call took almost 30 min an they had no mechanical knowledge of the car. They couldn't even find my address so they gave the tow truck driver the address of a local supermarket. Unfortunately they also gave him my wrong phone number even though they sent me a confirmation text to my correct phone. Good thing I called because he was about to head back. Anyhow, so the driver managed to wedge the truck into the driveway and hooked up the cables directly to the 12v terminals - no response. Nothing came back. He also mentioned that he wouldn't be able to get rollers into the garage to get the car out. If it can't be put in neutral, he didn't know how to get it out. One other thing I noticed is that the GFI where I have the charger plugged in had been tripped, though the GFI built into the charging cable had not. I reset it and tried plugging the charger back in - no response. I will try calling Toyota Care again today. Im also going to check the battery voltage directly and the fuses since this seems like it may be a more complicated problem. Right now I have an expensive brick sitting in my garage. Thanks for all the suggestions.
They could spray some lube or liquid soap on the floor so the front tires slide easily and pull it out with the winch. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
It's certainly not a house wiring thing. House was built 7 yrs ago. Nothing else in the house was affected.
if the 12v is low, the car usually will not come on at all, you can take the 12v out and charge on a bench for 24 hrs+ If the 12v is totally shot, you will not be able to charge it? While the 12V is still installed, try to jumper either front or back, also press power 2-3 times to reboot. There is also a 100 amp fuse in the area of the positive cable, that may have blown.
Because either at the point of plug in or before it the EVSE only sensed an open, simultaneously, there was a big current drain for one week OR the 100 Amp fuse blew by the Pos cable. = no future start-ups. My WAG.
That has happened to me twice. It was able to be brought back after two jumps to the rear 12v terminals. I'd be very interested if you find a solution.