Hello All, I recently bought a used 05' prius, and discovered a flutter sound (sounds like uneven tire) while on a smooth road. It comes from the engine compartment. I has no clue what IT can be. Below is a video of the sound
I recommend to turn your sound up. The abnormal sound is from 0 to 3 seconds in. then I speed up and it gets faint, and faster frequency
I hear the sound you are talking about, but I don't think you have a problem. The Prius makes all sort's of funny sounds, yours sounds normal to me. Believe me when I say this, the Prius is unlike any other car out there. It has it's own traits and it's own sounds. It takes a while to get used to it. Enjoy the mileage and keep smiling. Ron
I suggest you rotate tires, front to rear, and see if the sound moves. If it does that will prove your theory about a tire causing the sound.