Took delivery of Base PIP today and dealer said now comes with 3 years Roadside Assistance. No where in my paperwork does it mention RSA. Does anyone know if this is true. Also have a 2010 Gen 3 and it only came with 2 years RSA. Not having spare tire could make RSA necessary someday so hope he wasn't lying.
Yes it's three years. I took delivery on sept 30 and just TODAY received the Toyota care/roadside assistance packet. It says, and I quote, "plus as a Prius plug-in owner, your vehicle includes an additional year of roadside assistance for a total of three (3) years from the date of purchase."
If you go into the back of the car, underneath the back driverside panel is a tire pump and slime kit. There is a stiker on there that also confirms 3 years road side assistance.
anyone used toyota rsa? what's their response time and where do they take you? for a longer trip, i'd definitely get a spare (good to see jack/wrench are under drivers' seat).
i used TRSA last month in Indiana while on road trip. Tow truck arrived in about 45min, and went to nearest dealer. Local dealer was very good (outstanding service, wish Long Island dealers are this friendly).
I've used it twice for battery issue. First response with portable jumper usually takes 15-20 minutes. Second response with a flatbed takes 45 minutes.
Lol how have you managed to run your battery down twice already? Since the car won't stay in on/acc mode for more than a minute and lights turn off automatically when you lock?
I didn't do anything to run the battery down. All lights off, no acc. It has been something I'm not too happy about. Now I carry a jumper/charger with me at all times. They have replaced the battery once, but it did it again.
I would be looking at any accessories installed after purchase: stereo, CB/ham radio, etc. PS - Azusa isn't a place I'd expect to find a Prius owner. Good on you.
Note that if there's really nothing to trigger this, you should stop carrying the trickle charger and make sure that the battery keeps getting replaced. After 4 replacements, you will generally become eligible for a refund of your price (less depreciation) or a replacement with another vehicle. See Motor Vehicle Warranty and Lemon Law | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General