I see Prii all over the place, but I don't recall ever having seen one in a gas station with a nozzle in it. Ever. Is it just me? Has anyone else noticed this phenomenom? Or, is this another one of those Space/Time Anomoly thingies where no one actually ever sees it happen...
Now that you mention it, no. But then again, rarely do I ever see any of my other vehicles when driving them at a gas station. I have seen a few parked upfront buying drinks/snacks along with myself, but that's it.
I see 1 or 2 usually at Costco just because of the volume they do. Mostly gen 2 and lately more Gen 1's.
A pit stop takes less than 4 minutes. I like to stop in the morning as the number of patrons is usually lower. (People seem to like buying gas on their way home.) Most often, I'm the only one there. I do like to have 1 or 2 others there so the attendant doesn't give me too much attention. In over 6 years I can say that I don't remember seeing another but a 4 minute window every 7 to 10 days isn't much. Someday I'd like to see EV vengeance: A Leaf parked at the gas pump while the driver goes in to buy lottery tickets.
I especially have never seen a Prius C at a gas station and every Prius C on the road I have seen was going faster than me. I once saw a Prius C parked at a restaurant with a sticker saying "50MPG And Will Smoke You". Been trying to see it again just to photograph the sticker.
I have had my Prius c for three months and have actually only seen two or three of them anywhere and never at a station. Everyone prius driver around here seems to be in a standard Prius. Makes me feel a little out there in a good way!
Driving a Manhattan Beach, CA on PCH. At no time could I see less then two other Prius. Much of the time 5 or 6 could be seen on front of me. They are pretty thick around here. Yes in gas stations too. Most taxis are Priuses too so that just adds to the numbers
I've seen them a few times at gas stations. Today, while at Costco (w/virtually no lines), I saw 2 Gen 3s (one was a '12+, from the taillights) getting gas along w/a Lexus CT.
I see them occasionally at stations, but since Prii get such great gas mileage, I believe statistically we should see them less often. I have a picture of mine filling up the first time