New 2012 Prius first 600 miles, what Mode do you use, Normal, ECO or Power? What is the maximum speed can you drive the car on the highway? Thanks!
Choose the mode that suits you, they are there to make you comfortable. The highways I drive on have signs telling me the maximum speed I should drive. I would follow them within 10% if it was me. Now for the first 600 miles, be gentle. No sudden full throttle, no steady RPMs. (unless you live on a floodplain, you won't have steady RPMs anyway)
I use normal & power......all depends on the mood I'm in. As for the speed.......depends on what u want ur MPGs to look like
Use what suits your driving style. I run mostly freeways and come from a performance car backround. I run in PWR mode all the time and probably am between 55=90 mph most of the time I average 46 mpg. I fact I in Las Vegas for the holiday drove over from Los Angeles (AV area) last night did the drive in under 4 hr 55-95 mph the whole way 41 mpg
Your Prius will do 115 mph if you like I run whatever mode depending upon what I feel like that day. Mike