Yep. It's a useless question. The OP should call his insurance company and others for quotes. From MY350Z.COM Forums - View Single Post - The Top 100 Common Questions The above ought to be a sticky here.
Geico here. Three cars (Prius and 2 SUVs), comprehensive on 2, one SUV liability only. 100k/300k, no rental, no roadside assistance, $490 for 6 months. The liability part on the Prius is significantly cheaper than the SUVs.
yueq - comp and collision are two different things - do you collision on the 12? Be careful with Geico -- the company and insurance is fine ... but the web site will let you purchase strange coverage ... I had a friend who had the problem. I will say again -- call a few companies and ask for rates .... buy a little more than you think you need.. When you go to use it you will need it!
Somewhat helpful (at least regionally) is to hear stories about customer service and how comparison shopping went in the past. I shopped the big nationals, USAA, Amica and Amex. Amex was the best for me in NM, but I think they cherry pick customers. Geico and USAA were not even close to competitive, which surprised me.
Well, I just got a nasty surprise with my new Prius. Allstate is charging me 40% more for the Prius than for my 2011 Audi Q5 that cost almost twice as much, same coverage. The agent said Prii are very expensive to fix. And there I thought I'd be saving money by getting the Prius. As is, what I save in gas all goes to the insurance company. Does that seem right? Are others also paying much more for a Prius than for much more expensive vehicles?
geico insurance 100k/300k with UI 500 deductible for both comp/collision pay 88 a month for our 2012 prius and 2012 sienna
That's typical BS from Allstate. I just left Allstate (after being with them for over 10 years) because of their crazy pricing on the 2012 Prius. I went with 21st Century- they were very reasonable. Of course after I sent the letter of Accord Cancellation to Allstate they called me to say they "re-rated" my policy and their new quote was in line with the much lower 21st Century quote. But I was so angry and had wasted so much time with them at that point I went ahead and switched our three cars over and will change my homeowners policy in Jan too. Frack Allstate!
I just got my 2010 prius and I too was a bit surprised by how much Allstate bumped my rate. I'm now around $700+ for 6mo with full coverage. I was around 580 for my 2000 Tacoma (around $120 increase for 6mo). I've been with Allstate since day one, and they really seem to be racking up the price increases with each bill. It might be time to start shopping around.
That's crazy high.. I have $250k/$500k bodily injury, $100k property damage and $100k/$300k Uninsured Motorist for under $400/six months on the 2012 PIP.
Paying $58 a month. Liability 100/300 Property 50 Uninsured Motorist 50 $500 deductable towing car rental uninsured coverage My insurance decreased $12 per month when I replaced my BMW with a Prius
I'm glad I found this thread. I just purchased a new Prius yesterday, and Toyota asked me to upgrade my insurance to comprehensive from just liability. When I called Progressive to change the vehicle and to upgrade the policy, they increased the price to $1,400/six months! I was very surprised by this but, honestly, due to my ignorance about insurance, I just accepted it and moved on. Based on this thread, maybe I should try finding a new insurance company.
Definitely get 3 quotes. I like Geico. AAA is expensive. You should always shop around every few years to make sure you not being taken advantage of.
Yikes that is way too high. Run away, there are other companies that will offer you 12 months at less than what you pay for 6 months. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Just a suggestion. When I was younger and not many assets besides youth and a job I tended to have lower liability coverage or the lowest coverage allowed by law and accepted by the Bank . I know it was a gamble but it kept my insurance costs low, I had good luck no major accident, and it allowed me to save money for getting married, down payment on ahome, retirement, vacation, etc. When I got a little older and accumulated assets I increased my Insurance Coverage because in the worst scenario I had something to lose and I needed to protect it. But since I had assets I increased my deductables which lowered costs. This is just the street talking I'm not a Actuary, I'm sure many will disagree. Perhaps luck on my part it worked out for me. I never took out GAP insurance but never had a major total accident within the first 2 years of ownership. That also was a gamble. However if you need gap insurance buying it at the dealer is the worst price about $800, the bank in so bargin, but I hear car insuarnce companies have the best price about 1/3 the cost of car Dealers. Just a FYI. I do not believe Gap is required, but collision may be by the bank that hold the car loan.
Like JMD says. It doesn't cost anything to shop around every few years. If you can afford the loss then you don't need the insurance. If you are borrowing money the lender doesn't really care about you but if the car is totaled they expect to be fully paid.
my yearly premium for a Prius Two is $1310. Collision and comprehensive deductible 200. 30 days rental max $1400, 300/100 bodily injury non insured. Roadside assistance etc. No deductible on glass. This includes some discount largest being that I use the same insurer as my home policy. Some for good driver (no accident for 5 years+) and some smaller others. (two adult drivers, low mileage like under 15k per year or whatever the limit is ) Hope this helps
Well depend what coverage you are looking for I just switched from Geico which raised the premium by $90 for six month. Sent the qeico coverega page to competitor and saved almost $600 on a year policy (+150 on the homeowner policy as multi policy discount). BUT with Geico you can do this online you can add remove coverage and it recalculates on the fly so it was easier but more expensive. So Geico's price is not for the same thing !!!!