I was wondering how does the EV button work in the non-pip models. In the PiP, I cannot press EV button when the battery is not charged. So, how would it work in the non-Pip models? Or is the algo different in non-pip models? Also, the MPH requirement to use the battery seems to be different when the external charging battery is drained in pip. So, is the same rule apply on the non-pip models? Just curious, lot of pip owners here seems to own non-pip models earlier, so hoping to get some insights on this. Thanks in advance.
I can almost always press EV in my 2010 Gen 3 as long as I stay under 23 mph. Can't go very far (less than 1 mile) but nice for that last mile home. In PIP, can't get EV to work unless I have some miles still showing. Once PIP EV fully depleted (no more green light), always says battery too low for EV. So, very different from 2010 Gen 3. Some on this forum report being able to get enough regen to have green light come back on after depleted but I never can. Only way to drive real EV again is to plug in. So, under 23 MPH is very different between PIP and non-PIP from what I've seen.
non pip will not let you use ev button unless ice is warmed up. pip will, you can drive it until the ev portion is gone and then the ice comes on. the reason they don't allow ev after that may be that it's not good for the lithium ion battery, but i'm not positive.