Sorry for all the questions. I tried to find this isn the manual and the forums but couldn't find a recent posting. Question: After I park my car and exit the vehicle... shouldn't the doors lock automatically after a certain time? I was assuming they were automatically unlocking when I got close to the car but now I just realized it was never locked! Am I missing something or do I have manually lock it every time?
I have had occasions where I don't use my finger to lock the door, then the next day I return to my car to open the door and the door opens but no beep or parking/brake light indication. Which tells me the door wasn't locked. But I haven't tested the theory of leaving my key fob in my 14 floor apartment to see if the door opens
i have never heard of this functionality. automatically locking doors? actually sounds cool, but definitely doesn't work. the only automatic locking is when you drive the car. in the car settings, you can change whether this is triggered by you going above a certain speed or you switching out of park.
should help. No, I've never heard of the doors automatically locking after you exit. You need to press/squeeze the ridges on the door handle. The doors should lock and you should hear beeps to confirm. No, they don't unlock automatically when you approach either. You need to touch the rear of the door handles. However, if you unlock the doors (via either buttons on the key fob or touching the rear of the door handles) and none of the doors is opened, after a certain timeout, the doors will automatically re-lock.
"If a door is not opened with approximately 60 seconds after the vehicle is unlocked, the security feature automatically locks the vehicle again" It should lock itself, right?
yes, if you UNLOCK the car and then FAIL TO OPEN THE DOOR, it will automatically lock after 60 seconds. not if you unlock the car, drive around, turn it off, and then walk away.
What the manual is saying is that if the doors are already locked, then you unlock them but do not open the door in 60 seconds they will relock. This is not why you want as auto door locks.
Yep. This is exactly the timeout I was talking about. And the walking away after driving around == having to open a door in the first place.
Ok. I wish it would just auto lock after the power is turned off, door is open and closed after X seconds.
I seem to recall that if I unlock the car but don't open the door, the doors will relock automatically. I never recall the car locking itself after I actually get out of it. iPad ? HD
maybe this is not engineered because it would lead to more lockouts if keys dropped out of pocket or if keys (in purse or bag) are left in car by accident?
The PriusChat store sells an easy to install mod that'll lock the doors once the Prius is in motion ... but locking after you exit? Our Lexus does that ... so it's likely you could mod the feature onto the Prius also.