Might be a dumb question but I'll ask anyway as a brand new PiP owner. Previous Prius Gen 3 didn't have remote AC. If the remote AC button is pressed in middle of winter does it turn on the heat and if yes, does it stay on long enough to actually get some heat going. For example, if I press it while car is in the garage and it turns on (auto temp set to 70 when its maybe only 25 in garage), if I go out in 5 or 10 minutes will it have actually heated things up a little? Hope so because that would be better than going into garage, starting it up and going back inside. Don't care at that point if ICE comes on, just start giving me some heat please when I press remote AC button. Has anyone tried this in already cold weather areas?
You would need to pre-set the hvac settings beforehand. Marcus, I know you don't want to hear this but the Volt will do what you are asking via the keyfob or smartphone app. Isn't there a pre-conditioning routine for the PIP while on the charger?
Don't have dedicated 110/120v line in my garage yet. Electrician coming later this week to see how difficult it would be to install. Right now, part of downstairs house is on that circuit so I'm afraid to plug in.
I, too, had worries about plugging in the volt in my garage as I can easily trip a breaker when you using too many things (air compressor, power tools, fans, radio) while working in my "man cave". Anyway, the 120v charger is on the other garage wall on a different circuit along with a small deep freeze and possibly a TV on the other side of the shared wall but it has yet to trip a breaker. Besides charging, the volt runs battery heating and cooling operations. IIRC it only pulls 12amps which isn't a ton. I'd say do a test run during the day and see what happens. Would you have to run an extension cord to the charger?
Supplied charger cord is long enough. Just got off phone with "family" electrician. About $500 to run dedicated line which is the good news. No idea when he can do it with all the Hurricane Sandy work he has. That didn't sound too good. That Hurricane never goes away.
only on the Advanced model and only for A/C. Remember, the PiP has NO electric heater. none. that's why it's only A/C that will run before starting the car.
I just had the dealership do it.....you more technical folks can obviously do it yourselves knowing the "per-set havoc setting before hand" I don't know what/why the Volt has anything to do with wanting an inexpensive remote starter for heat. You Volt owners just cracks me up.
huh? the remote A/C just turns A/C on to the temperature that was set before the car was turned off. i hope you don't need to have the dealer do that for you. ………