I appreciate anyone's input regarding the diminished value portion of my claim against the other driver's insurer, GEICO... Here's what happened last night:I was sideswiped on the interstate by a 100+ mph SUV. Thankfully, neither I nor the other driver was hurt. But look at this accident progress: I had been on the interstate for <5 miles in the far right of 3 lanes... I was driving 60 mph... Totally unexpectedly, I hear a "BOOM!" and see an SUV pass me as if he was driving 45 mph and I was standing still... i.e., he's 100 mph+ The SUV fishtailed to the far left near the median wall, then came back across the 3 lanes and HIT head-on the right cement wall separating from a frontage road... The SUV turned over and slid along the wall for what must have been a 1/4 mile -- STILL moving away from me! As I drove past it... I saw the whole thing! I stopped when I realized "I've been in a wreck!" I looked at my left mirror: "WHAT mirror?!" I immediately called "911" and told them I thought it was a fatality accident... Guess what... He wasn't fazed... I made sure the police heard me say "100 mph" several times... My Prius had a destroyed left rear wheel, left rear fender, bumper damage and minor LR passenger door damage... AND, it ripped off my driver's side mirror! Apparently his right front tire was turned as he tried to avoid me and that's what hit my car... I limped home at 45 mph on the space saver spare -- 4-way flashers on, as ordered by police, with several near-misses along the way...
Wow, sorry for your experience. I hope your jewelry bean gets well soon and glad to hear you weren't injured.
Thats one heck of a story. I can't believe the other driver was ok. I hate SUV's in general, but what kind was he in? Thats quite a feat. You have insurance right? All you have to do is get the diminished value, and everything else, granted by your adjuster. Then its your insurance companies responsibility to collect it from GEICO. Do you have a police report saying he is at fault? This helps get your claims adjuster on your side. At least thats what All-State is doing for me...
Wow what a story. Your safe that is what counts. Will you sell the car once it is repaired or keep it?
I'm keeping this puppy for the long-haul, so I'll demand Geico fix it at the dealership. The dude hit me like the pit-maneuver! So, I WAS lucky to maintain control... I'll be driving a new Prius for a few weeks in the meanwhile!
I am going to try and get a picture of the SUV for a side-by-side comparison of this accident. No one would believe it! It had a caved in roof, all 4 doors were smashed, the windshield was shattered... The fire department had to smash a big hole in the middle for him to crawl out!
There really are some morons on the roads. You can often seem drivers that have let their speed creep up have to make sudden adjustments to avoid slower, but legal, road users ahead. These cocky morons then get their skills tested. Most important thing is that you're in one piece. Annoying as anything to get hit when you're minding your own business. Get a dash cam?
A few years ago I was stoped in line with many cars in front of me taking my son to school when a lady in a Mazda rear ended me. She gets out of the car in a night gown and her hair in rollers. I could swear she was sleep walking or sleep driving and the accident woke her up. The Police came and the cop said she never put on the brakes. He was doing a sobriety test but she seemed OK just not dressed for the occasion.
Glad your OK. I285 has some of the craziest drivers in the country, trying to shortcut Atlanta's US worst commute times.
Sorry to hear about your wreak. I'm glad you weren't injured. Make sure that the repair facility is an authorized Toyota repair shop. Also make sure that only genuine Toyota parts are used. Do NOT let them use any aftermarket parts. Those are crap, will not fit well and will not last. The other guys insurance will quote aftermarket parts and want to use their facility. This is when you need your insurance company to fight for you... make sure they do. Best regards and send photos when it's repaired. Mike
GEICO told me I can have it fixed wherever I want, so I'm getting a Toyota shop estimate before meeting with their adjuster...
Wonder if it makes sense to take the check an trade it in and apply both toward a down payment of a new PIP
Damage update: $4500 estimate at the Toyota dealership w/original parts; $6000 GEICO estimate (and check in-hand) -- they added an axle. They'll cover any added costs over that check... Meanwhile, I can't say a bad thing about the gecko!
I finally got the police report; his car is (was) a 2002 Nissan Pathfinder... TOTAL LOSS. Also, two expert diminished value experts said don't expect anything. As soon as the GEICO adjuster said "only about $500" when I brought it up, I retorted "That's about what I was thinking..."
Well, 4 weeks after the wreck I got my baby blue back. The Toyota repair team did a superb job. GEICO gave me a check for $6000; the repairs totaled $5000. I am on my way to meet with the adjuster and pick up my diminished value check. A 9 year-old car with 126,000 miles that runs and looks like new technically is not due one, but it looks like GEICO is going to cut me one for $500. FOLKS, if you need someone to hit you, make sure they are insured by that damned gecko! BEFORE... AFTER...