Some number of yrs ago, Chrysler executives decided they were going to give Lexus a run for their money by producing a better car. They decided to hire G.Gordon Liddy to go to Japan to spy on Lexus to find out what their secret was to be able to produce such a quality car. Chysler told him that cost was no object, that he could take as long as he needed and and spend an unlimited amount of money so long as he found their secrets. So Liddy accepted and immediately accepted. A little over a year passed and then one day Liddy showed up back at Chrysler executive offices. They immediately asked, did you discover their secret? Liddy responded, I certainly did. They could hardly wait! Their secret is; As each Lexus production is completed, that night they leave a cat in the car until morning. If the cat is found dead in the car in the morning, they know it is up to Lexus quality standards. Liddy even brought a Japanese cat from Japan for the test. That very night Chrysler put the cat in one of the new production cars. They could hardly wait for morning to come. So when they looked in the car in the morning, THE CAT WAS GONE! To this day the residents of Michigan wonder where all the stray cats came from and they all meow with a Japanese accent.
I have one of Chrysler's cats. Barbecue At Grants In Colorado (10) - Copy by padroo posted Feb 6, 2018 at 9:14 PM