Tell me about it! This last tank started off as my best, ever (82+ mpg for the first 30 miles going to work). But some short trips over the weekend have it down to 68.2. That isn't going to get me into the top 10! Oh, but next summer.....I'll make you all pay! <insert maniacal laughter here>
Bring it! Maybe I'll take 2 days off work next summer and do circles around the airport for 500 miles.
Haha wow this is getting competitive... Does it count if I have someone tow my car up a long hill, and I just coast down over and over again?
If you see Youtube footage or hear on the news some crazy Asian guy is pushing a Prius up a mountain every single day for a month straight, I've accepted your challenge., well where i live i only get a small window (beginning fall/end of spring) for tanks 60+. I had to wait part of spring and all summer to get 60+ and make top 20.
You guys don't live too far from each other. You should meet up and do it together. See who can outlast who in the ultimate battle of circle driving.
Actually, next time I meet up with Justin, I'm hoping it will involve drinking beer and making pizzas. That sounds infinitely more fun than driving around the airport....again.....and again......and again.....
I'm going to try to make it on this list. I've just never gone 500 miles on a tank, always get too excited to get my true calculation of MPG's. I have a few factors working against me though, 17's, cold weather and mostly hwy driving but I think I can do it. My highest so far was 69.4 on a 130 mile hwy commute and best tank was 54.5mpg 90% hwy (true calculation, not the computer).
I have 700 miles to do the rest of this week, 1000 next week. But next week I'll be in MI where speed limit is 70...I guess I'll just keep as much to the right as possible
120 miles this morning at 40-45 degrees, computer is showing 60mpg at 58mph on average. Now I need to do it for an entire tank!
Oh? I'd have to compete with the other plug-in guys? Forget it, they're way too hard-core for me! Seriously, it's ok, but with my 85 mile commute, I can't possibly get the kind of mileage that other PiP drivers get.