Does anybody have instruction how to remove interior lights cover? I would like to replace those bulbs with LED's especially the one above the back seat as it is very dark. Do they use standard 168 T10 bulbs in those socket? I think in order to see any improvement I would need to use one of those specialized setup like from: 2010-12 Toyota Prius Complete 326-Lights LED Interior Light Package besides the above package is for Prius V without sunroof only. I'm not sure if swapping one SMD LED bulb will do much difference.
That's the LED kit I have & I love it. I don't remember what I did to remove the cover so I'll have to get back to u on that
I used 194 replacement LEDs for the doors, Sun visor lights and the map lights between the driver and front passenger. The Dome light between the front and back seat is a different cylindrical light. I replaced it with an LED bulb bug forgot the number. The lights over the rear license plate are also 194's. You can find five 194 bulbs on Amazon for about ten bucks.
Get a flathead screwdriver and wedge it into one side of the cover. Pry it and it'll snap off. Do it to the other side. It's very easy, takes like 5 seconds.
That is correct. Here are some pictures. Don't do it what I did :-/ I pray out the whole assembly and I manage to break the plastic tab on the right side the assembly holds onto. Take out only the clear plastic cover out. There are two "tabs" not visible but if you run your finder nail along the edge you will feel them. The bulb number is Toshiba 12V8WAL:19 but I couldn't find any reference to that number on the Internet, on some other Prius forum some refer to it as 12V8WAL:95 but from the picture above it clearly states it is "19"
Have you try to replace the turns signal bulbs? They are T20 7440, I think but the flasher needs to be replace as well, isn't it?
Yep, I tried amber LED bulbs in the 2012 Prius V and they 'hyper-flashed.' A new flasher IS needed unless you're willing to add the extra load-resistors to make the LEDs look like incandescents by increasing the current draw, which I do NOT want to do. I had my dealer try to replace the flasher unit a few weeks ago and they discovered that the unit in our 2012 V is buried WAY under the dashboard, up near the windshield and firewall and an almost complete dashboard removal is necessary to get to it, unlike in my 2004 Prius C which was easy. They said it's about 4 hours' work at nearly $100 an hour to do it. I'm starting to hoard some money to have it done in the future. Until then, all I've been able to do is replace the license plate, trunk and door courtesy lamps, as well as the visor-lamps and the bulbs in the front overhead lights. I appreciate the hint about the rear overhead lamp, as I couldn't figure out how to get That beastie out without risk of breaking something. I'll try again in the near future.
After quite a bit of struggle to find it (couldn't) and research, I concluded that there is no separate flasher relay on the 2012 v. The flasher circuit is part of the instrument panel/bezel PC board.