How do you feel about your Prius C? I haven't had this much affection for a car since the little Orange '74 beetle that was my first car. I just love this little car. I'm guessing a lot of others feel the same way on this forum and by the amount of PC's that I see on the roads of my town ever day, the fever is probably spreading.
Love to see my little Prius sitting out in the driveway every morning ready for action. This is the first car in a long time that seems to have character and personality! How fun is that? Look out Herbie!
The 2012 Toyota Prius c is the fourth addition to the Prius family. It’s also the smallest, least expensive and most fuel-efficient member. Its has great fuel economy of 43 mpg overall.
That's a quote from the Consumer Reports review, right? I'm still trying to discern how those people drive. With a lead foot, apparently.
I definitely like it, but as the weather gets colder I am interested to see how it performs. So far it seems there are less transitions to the electric motor than when it was more temperate.
Yes, I am also in is an escape pod, it is a really happy color (SRM) - people look at it and smile as it passes, and some stop to ask about it. I feel like a prom queen in it!
To get only 43 mpg, you'd have to floor the gas pedal after each stop, and drive continuously uphill. Amazing! Plus, if you consider the ubiquitous criticism of several auto mag writers that the Prius C takes 10.4 seconds to go from 0 to 60 mph, in 1971 the Datsun 240Z sports car took 9.4 seconds to reach 60 mph. Really! What a ridiculous criteria to consider when rating today's cars. We have just over 3900 miles on the odometer of our C4 and getting an average of 55 mpg. Plus we have no problems so far getting onto freeways and reaching the speed limit before leaving the onramp.
But, but, but... that's 1 second of your life you'll never get back. Except maybe at the next red light when you catch up with the other car, but we won't talk about that. Honestly motoring journalists seem to believe that none of us drive on real streets with intersections, traffic signals, speed limits and other vehicles. Out in the real world this car has nice creature comforts, feels lighter than it should for its weight and is generally fun to drive for most people who have chosen to buy one... and it actually looks pretty good.
Almost 7000 miles and still makes me smile every time I drive it - especially when the MPG reading goes over 50. Halloween night - after passing out treats for a couple hours I drove out of my neighborhood. Little kids still on the street for Trick or Treat and one called out as I passed: "Hey mister - nice your car, I like the color, I goin' buy one like that when I grow up!"
Reminds me of the time I went to my grandpas house because he was having a garage sale before he moved. His girlfriend has a Gen 2 Prius he has a Gen 3 and I had my c all 3 of us were parked in the driveway with multiple comments. One person said "I've never seen so many Hybrids in one driveway." And a little kid really liked the way my C looked. Made me fell good lol. Then a hour later or so we met a older gentlemen with a Gen 3 Prius saying he was going to upgrade to the v! It was a great day thats for sure!
No. Not in love at all. Don't want to rain on anyone's parade but after nearly 8 months and 17,000 miles, I just tolerate mine. It is not fun to drive by any stretch and the harsh ride beats me up. I have to be ever-vigilant for potholes lest the inevitable kaboom. I do enjoy saving money at the pump and like how $30 in gas can carry me 420+ miles. The car appeals to my wife's frugal nature even though she needs 3 pillows to tolerate a drive longer than 20 minutes. She doesn't want me to trade it in as I will inevitably eat $4-5K in depreciation costs. I did knowingly downgrade from a luxury brand to save fuel, so I'll live with the car for the time being, but no, I don't love it.
The 195-50-16 tires on crebble's C4 have 14% less sidewall height than the 15 inch tires that come on most Prius C cars. The lower sidewall height combined with lower internal captured air volume translate to a significantly harsher ride over bumps.
I like the car. Drivers behind me don't. Seems like every time a car is on my nice person and I don't hypermile either. I'm going 5-10 mph over speed limit.
I never used to care much about drivers behind me when I'm doing the speed limit and I care even less now. Over the weekend I was sailing along at the limit on cruise control and someone came roaring up behind me and started tailgating. I slowed a little and returned to speed to give him the message. He didn't get it, so I went into full pulse & glide mode. Best mileage ever on that road, because normally I'd never do that there. I've got no idea why he didn't pass me in the other lane. Funny part was that I slipped away from him at one point and resumed steady driving, then he got caught behind me again a few miles later so I went back to P&G until he reached his turn. Car reported around 70 mpg for that trip.
I love it because it can "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." I love my C because it can smoke the nice person-clowns who stereotype it (and me) as a run of the mill Prius (Prius driver).
Love is a relative term. I spend more 100% time with no distractions with my car, than any one and OR anything thing else in my life. With that said it is the only thing i do not begrudge in any way in my life. There for I guess I would have to say I love my car more than just about anything else in my life. I guess since the car is still pretty new it may be only puppy love lol