The nice thing about chargepoint EVSE's (at least around here) is that you can reserve there use via the web. Even that doesn't stop you from getting iced. It's not a perfect system but it helps. SGH-I717R ? 2
Here's some photos of the ChargePoint station, the two parking spots it covers and the signage. Note the absence of cars today- due to hurricane Sandy the courts were closed today- I had the whole row to myself!
NY_rob, Get a can of Green and paint the curb of the 2 spots. If you're uncomfortable doing it, call the Clerk first and get approval. They won't say No.
I don't know... they're pretty uptight at the courts... guess I could ask about painting the curb... If I could get some good examples of effective signage (not mentioning 'tow away zone' because that's not an option here in NY) maybe I can convince them to change the present sign to something more effective. The same Lexus SUV that has been occupying one of the ChargePoint spots every day last week was back again today now that court is open again. He seems to own that right-most parking spot!!
It is not clear if the corner spot is for EV since the sign on the second yellow pole is missing. The charger is in the middle so I would think so.
Here's a good one from's web site. Simply change the words from, "Electric" Vehicles to Plug-In" vehicles: Oh - one more thing - here's a quote I read about a very bad charging scenerio posted on another board that REALLY sickened me - regarding Mitsubishi's VERY gracious policy to let NON mitsu plugins use their charging facilities . . . "... one Volt owner who parks her car there every night to charge, and bicycles home. The ultimate free loading opportunist ..." Jeez, I can't believe the gaul. Please people . . . . do NOT be like that. It's sad that anyone would ever have to be told to NOT be that rude - which can ruin it for all (shaking head).
Unless someone from Mitsubishi has asked her to NOT leave the vehicle plugged in overnight, I don't see a problem. I doubt that she is locking the plug into her vehicle like some people advocate. Many people don't have a charging opportunity at their residence, should they be ineligible for owning a plug-in? When there are free parking spaces available , do you still park at a meter instead?
People who can't charge at their residence are free to buy any car they wish, plug-in or not. But are you saying its the responsibility of others to keep a plugin owner's batteries charged?? The free parking spaces analogy does not apply here. A more fitting analogy is when restaurants leave mints in a bowl by the exit and you empty the whole bowl into your pocket. There was no sign that said you could only take one, right? Most likely no one will stop you or ask you to put it back even if they saw you. But everyone will think you are a douche for abusing the courtesy.
But if they didn't want me to take the whole bowel of mints .... and SELL 'em right out side their restaurant, wouldn't they have a sign? Yep ... it makes one wonder how far folks will go, when not being specifically instructed (in writing) on how to act polite. Mitsubishi didn't bother to put up signs. But what they DID do, was, they parked ALL their EV's in front of all their EVSE's for a few days ... so that she'd get the idea ... and hopefully not force mitsu to drop the hammer on everybody ... and keep things on the informal level. That aint easy to do when you have clueless cheep skates.
This is worse, because she's not even a customer. It's like walking off the street into a restaurant, taking some mints, and walking out again. And then doing it again every night. The problem I have is that there's a cost to the dealership to provide her with free electricity. Once in a while as a courtesy, OK. Every night - that's abusing the courtesy. The dealership should put the public charging station on a timer and turn it off at night.
We run a sort of commercial business out of our home, so we offer it up on plugshare dot com ... even at night ... because some folks work night shift. But if I found someone leaching like that (day or night) ... I'd just put the abuser on a special "no trespassing" list ... just for them.
Of course not. I continue to be amazed. Taking the bowl of mints is depriving other guests. Leaving a vehicle at a courtesy charging station overnight is, usually, NOT depriving other guests. Another guest can unplug the vehicle and charge if needed.
You would likely find yourself in a court room, at the wrong bench. I would suggest you make the plug available to "customers" rather than the public if you wanted to restrict the usage. Do you have a tip jar next to your plug?
None of our own customers have ever had a plug-in yet. So far, EVSE use has been to anyone, just to promote plug-in's. We have enough surplus PV solar, that the utility pays us around $200/year (at a paltry 2.9¢/kWh) - so we're simply reducing our surplus juice. Presuming no 1st amendment issues, private companies can limit courtesy charging how ever they want ... you could limit use to silver cars only ... EV's only ... nice people only, Toyotas only ... or what ever. No shirts, no shoes, no service.
sure they can, they just need to make sure they are not excluding any protected class, directly or indirectly.
It's not depriving other guests. It just seems like taking undue advantage, but if it doesn't bother the dealership, then maybe they're taking hill's attitude (below) that it's worth the cost. (And let's not get into unplugging people, unless they have a courtesy placard showing.) I guess my problem with it comes down to the appearance that a rechargeable vehicle owner looks like she's freeloading. So maybe the person taking a handful of mints nightly from the restaurant is the cousin of the owner, who's totally OK with it. But an onlooker would think "What a rude person," and if that person were wearing a PriusChat t-shirt then we'd all look bad by association. Which is more explanation than it ought to take to explain my gut reaction. So I withdraw.