Yep. We use mph and all sorts of units that almost no other countries use now. The highest speed limit I'm aware of in my state is 70 mph. I don't know how accurate the table at Speed limits in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is. On the stretch of I-5 between Nor Cal and So Cal, even though the limit is 70 mph, no cars are going that slow. You need to be a bit over 70 mph to keep up w/traffic. You will have the occasional nuts racing by you at 90+ mph.
Arizona has 75 mph on I-40. I end up driving only 80 though, because above that, MPGs start dropping real fast.
That's still darn good mpg's if you consider the normal today "Up to 40 mpg" for all those other cars You'd be blowing past them getting your 40 mpg while their poochin along trying to get their "Up to 40 mpg" Mike
Remember not everyone drives a Prius to reminding about gas mileage, unless Prius is ready to take over the world, lets say a lot of folks doesn't pay attention when driving, and drives slow on the passing lane causes terrible traffic and accidents.
I have tailgaters happen to me often when I'm just driving at speed limit on two lane road, its like they want to Kiss my Prius I hate the fact that because the left lane is blocked by "road boulder" those truck drivers just have to come behind my back and if I don't speedup they get very close (all the way til I couldn't see their headlights), if I have enough room in the front of my right lane, I would speed up to give them a gap behind me to pass off to left lane OR just speed pass all this mumble jumble and get to a less congested area to cruise. Congested area caused by those boulders have higher chance of traffic accidents. For the 4 cars pile up, they all blame the driver in front of them, and the first driver blames an invisible white car...I bet if we check the 1st driver's cell phone at the time it would have been her on the phone while driving.
For me to do hypermiling, I don't use the cruise control, they will kill your mileage instead use your foot to control the accelerator, going up hill keep consistent pressure even if you slow down to 55s, going down hill take the pressure off the pedal a little but still keep pressing it but don't go pass to the engine run mode, keep doing this while going down hill will give you a lot of momentum to go long distances in 80-90s, the key is keep consistent pressure on the pedal, and try your best not to break, only let go of pedal but no breaking. Average driving speed in 70-80s does not kill much of mileage as long you don't use your breaks so often and only use little breaks with regenerative breaking. BUT temperature plus windy condition kills MPG badly doesn't matter how you try, today I was driving at 60s due to Sandy's post visit wet roads, temperature: 31F, wind: 15-20MPH, my Prius MPG is barely 50 . Usually for MPG in 50-51, I can speed in 70-80s and still get that consistent MPG.
I'm sorry to argue, Jin, but speed does kill mpg. There is no way around the physics of it. Bob's old graph still holds reasonably true.
There are two speed limits. Most people are aware of the maximum speed limit but there is also minimum speed limit and you need to respect and obey both. For example, on I-495 max limit is 55 MPH and min is 40 MPH. This means, you can go as slow as 40 mph legally. It is uncommon to see drivers going 70 mph on the 55 mph limit. However, those fast(er) drivers need to respect other drivers obeying the min 40 mph speed limit as well.
Many (most?) states don't have a minimum speed limit but it is illegal to impede traffic on many states.
Unless it's faster than the posted speed limit. I know cops really don't care but according to the letter of the law "going with the flow" of traffic does not trump the speed limit. Either way 55 in the right lane is about as fast as a trucker anyway, so I don't feel too bad about it. But riding my butt doesn't make me go any faster. I'm like that stubborn ol' mule. The harder you push the slower I go.
Actually, I should edit my previous comment, through out my weekly driving, I do have days where I drive on the slow right lane (Mondays etc...), which is one contributing factor to my higher than average 50mpg with lead foot driving 80s. I don't focus much on the MPG daily, I usually look at the gas-up mileage and weekly mpg. And to Codyroo, I'm no lawyer I can tell you that
It's funny, (the psychology of driving) isn't it. If you were a big rig, driving 55 mph (max posted speed limit for a trucker) in the right lane, no one will tail gate you (short of hypermilers looking for a draft), flash their lights, honk at you, or otherwise "disrespect" your driving because you are being safe. I'd love to see if any current or former truck drivers here can confirm or deny this. If you were a military convoy of multiple vehicles driving 55 mph or slower, in the right lane, people won't give you grief either. However, if you are in a CAR driving 55 mph in the right lane, you'll get a lot more anger/disrespect delivered to you than a trucker would. I suppose this is a combination of their expectations (you are in a car, drive the speed limit + 5 - 10 mph like everyone else) and mass (we don't like pissing off things bigger than us). Yet there is not a net difference in the road.....both have vehicles driving 55 mph in the far right lane. The psychology of driving.....
People usually leave a big truck alone but the only flashing that happens is a considerate driver that is giving you the nod that you are clear to bring her back over. Some states have that silly 55 mph limit for big trucks but most don't. Montana was nice in the mid '90's as troopers would give you a "big truck I better see some brake lights" announcement on channel 19 rather than whipping it around and pulling you over. I'd show 'em some lights and they would continue on their way. My last truck a KW T800 3506E Super 10 was set for 76 mph and I ran it at that speed on the Interstates. Kept dispatch happy as I was always on time and everything arrived safe & sound. Sometimes I miss driving big truck but my back won't handle doing that anymore Mike
The only time when you don't get harass or tailgate by other drivers is when your car is 3x bigger than theirs, its the power of the size, and of course, us mini-car drivers will not get any break from them. If everyone follows psudo-rule of freeway we can reduce some of those road rage/tailgaters, if you drive at speed limit stay on right, if you drive 10+ above speed limit you may go left, but always give way to someone else coming up behind you. This also hold true for those on the look out for under-cover police cars (Maryland ppl), they come up quickly behind you to gauge your speed, so pass off to right lane to let them pass or slow down but try not to break (its too obvious if you do that). Never got a speed ticket
I've driven between 80 and 85 MPH while driving on I5 between Los Angeles and Sacramento. I was getting about 35 MPG. The only thing that might help me out would be warmer weather. I recall the temperatures were in the high 30s or low 40s (over Christmas). And the drive between Los Angeles and Sacramento is about 6 hours. If I lower the speed to 65MPH, that would increase the time to about 7.5 to 8 hours. I will tell you that I'd rather not be on the road that extra 1.5 to 2 hours. I was happy to get 35MPH because in the past when driving my Explorer, I'd get about 15-16 MPH. Mike
I've traveled non-stop from the Mexican border (Tijuana, Mexico) to Los Angeles, CA. at 2:00am using the cruise control set at 85mph. I always fill my tank in Mexico (Pemex) and I do an average of 45mpg, the distance is about 150 miles. My 2010 prius is fully loaded with 4 adults & baggage. Tire pressure is set at 42psi (front) & 40psi (rear), I check my tire pressure every two weeks.