My mistake, you actually gave a clue about the 2.34 hours in your post. Can you "reserve" chargepoint stations in Clawson? Ours, Austin, used to be "reservable" until last month The chargepoint app shows which stations are in use, but it does not give a clue about when a vehicle is anticipated to be fully charged and the station available. The Leaf has a visual indicator that let's you guess when it will be finished charging. I don't think the PiP or Volt do. I never see a PiP plugged in, maybe because you can't get them in Texas unless you go get one or have it delivered. What we do have is a bunch of "Car2Go" electric vehicles, along with a bunch of "Car2Go" non-electrics that get left blocking the charging stations. No one seems to know how to plug in the "Car2Go" smart cars, so I usually plug them in when I leave, using my chargepoint account.
never tried to reserve, so I don't know. It's just so much more convenient for me to pay the $15.00 a month to charge at my apartment and be in my apartment doing other things besides sitting in my car waiting to finish charging. I had my blue tooth enabled hearing aids connected to Pandora via android but the Tek Connect device that allowed me to do this cra**ed out (new one cost's $500.00, repair of old one $299.00+90 day warranty)
erm, FasTrak/EZPass are RFID-based systems and they work at a number of feet at 70+ mph. they do have batteries built in, but that shouldn't be a problem on an EV with a massive battery inside.
good point. My friend's condo garage recognizes his EzPass tag to open the gates. I wonder how much an EzPass reader would add to a charging station? found this one, Intermec IF30 RFID Reader - Same Day Shipping. Low Prices, Always. , ~$3000. Not sure how the approach would prevent non-charging vehicles from blocking the station, but the same solution might be applicable to protecting handicapped parking spots as well.
IF the RFIDs were for an EV charging subscription like the ChargePoint RFIDs, the SUV owner would be loath to pay for it, unless those were the only parking places available. People do buy HOV stickers for similar reasons.
@"Who would issue the RFID's? Couldn't SUV drivers just buy them on craigslist?" This is where the "EV boot" comes in. The serial of that RFID is reported, and the curby comes along and entwines an extension cord through the wheels of the offender, rendering the car useless. I do look forward to a time when the pre-internet frobage gets on the net.
That seems counter productive. Don't you want the vehicle to be moved out of the way? Maybe an "EV Reward" for towing companies when they clear an ICE out of an EV spot. They could tow them to a nearby gas station and leave them blocking a pump.
Any progress indicator? Does the little light blink faster, or in a pattern, as it gets closer to a full charge? The Volt has a light on the dash that is solid while charging and blinking when complete (backwards IMO), but not an external visible indication of how much longer until it is finished charging. With the PiP and Volt, we can always get along with gasoline so I'm ok with being unpluged by a Leaf or BEV that needs a charge. My dash sign has a google voice/txt number if someone wants to call/txt me before unpluging. I can't find an indicator on the Smart EVs to know if they are fully charged so that I can take the plug.
The only charge progress indication is on the display inside the car when you turn it on. It'll tell you how much of a charge you have and how long it'll take to complete it. The little light next to the plug is either on or off. Fake Parking Tickets-set of 100: Toys & Games Maybe we could design some Charge Station parking tickets with revenues going to your favorite charity, or TerraPass.
We have 2 new chargers at the local mall. Unfortunately they're free. SO ...until they start charging $2/hr - no one gets to use 'em except these 2 bozos . I've driven by 4x this week. ... both are fully charged by 1:30pm. At that time they just leave 'em there as their own personal parking stalls even though the signage states usage only while charging. I guess I should get there real early and let them see what it's like. Maybe they'll get the idea. Entitled people like this - is why I make it a habbit of locking the EVSE onto our charge port. .
YES, the Santa Monica Ford dealer was charging a dealer Focus electric at a free station the other day.
wow that's just screwed up. I'd post on their Facebook/Twitter page (unless they are somehow funding these chargers), maybe post on Yelp (as sucky as the site is...), local forums, etc. Heck, maybe rent/borrow a car, and park it there for a while
There is an Enterprise Car Rental with a couple of Leafs that use one of my regular charge stations spots. They seem to be pretty good about picking them up when they are finished charging now, but the first few times they left them for a whole day, until I left a note on the windshield. Having EVs conspicuously in the wild is good for promotion. It just needs to be balanced with the needs of the EV community.
NY_Rob, Keep taking Photos and calling the Chief Clerk. Did you get the name and number of the person you talked to today? Sounds like a more interested advocate. Can you get that person to get a cop to ticket the car? Did you suggest that the curb could also be painted Green as a Reminder to other drivers?
We were in Nice, France last month and next to our hotel were EV Charging Stations. They had parking Spot barriers that kept non-customers out. The bar went down as the car was near it.