As I've mentioned I take photos of the HSI and EV displays and the Kill-A-Watts values at home and at work. 7 photos at the beginning and 7 more at the end of each driving segment, with at least 3 segments a day: to work, to lunch and back home. I reset Trip A and EV1 after each segment. The killer is when I forget to recharge the Camera Battery and have to use my cell phone to take the photos. I wish I could just dump the photos from a USB to a Thumbdrive. Toyota Engineers ??? Where are you ??? Aren't you interested in how we're driving your car ???
John, I noticed that on your website homepage, you haven't added a line to the 1st paragraph that you bought the PIP. I only see the 2 PHV lines and their Tank and Daily Data pages. Where do you have the rest of your PIP info?
CLOSE CALL, I pulled into my driveway and then parallel-parked into my space to the right of the drive. I got too close to the tree and the passanger mirror scraped the bark. DAMN. I repositioned the car and checked for damage. WHAT !!! The cover of the mirror was on the ground. Luckly it just popped back on and had no damage or scratches. Phew !!!
OK, how many times are you ready to plug in the PIP and you realize you forgot to set the Delay Timer? It happens to me 7 out of 10 times. I need to set it at night for 5am, then at work for 10am, then after lunch for 2pm. I wish there was a clock with multiple settings.
I'm getting gas tomorrow and decided I don't need to continue documenting every driving segment since getting the PIP March 14. I'll post the data tomorrow. I'll just keep track of the kWh added at home and office and the Fillup results.
I've been documenting each driving segment since I got my PIP March 14. I'd take a photo of the displays and add the data to Excel. After today's gas fillup, my 5th, I decided I didn't need to capture any more info. I'll just record the data at each fillup. Here's my Excel file. Welcome to Google Docs Enjoy.
agreed. things seem pretty steady now and there's no more need to keep documenting the same things over and over. i did find today interesting though with temps in the 90's, i was using a/c on and off and still saw similar ev range.
OK, it's July 2 and I haven't taken a Photo of my PIP Displays since my last fillup June 20. And I'm feeling pretty good. No anxiety attacks, no heartburn, no forgetfullness. I'm just writing down the KillAWatt values after charging at home and at work. I'm Free At Last !!!
Since I got the PIP in March, I've been using a garage outlet to charge it. Many times I have to move the car to let the wife get by. In May my buddy and I trenched a PVC line to install a lawn lamp post so I could charge the PIP from my normal spot on the side of the driveway. This past weekend my electrician brother and I finally finished the install. Now no more moving of my PIP to charge it. My brother with the post in a tube. Finished, except for needing some soil. We changed the cable with a Right-Angle Plug. The Switch feeds the GFI with Kill-A-Watt and the plug goes out to the Lamp Post Outlet. A seperate breaker serves the Lamp Post Light through a house light switch and electric eye. Now when the wife comes home after me, I won't forget to move the PIP for a charge.
Just a simple 3-wire plug that is also weatherproof. And as for the Warrenty of the EVSE? Don't Worry, Be Happy !!!
At work the building owner won't let me install an outside outlet. He's afraid the 1/4" hole will ruin the wall. The A$$. So I've been tossing an extension cord out the window to plug it in. I was even using a piece of foam insulation to seal the window gap around the cord. However, with winter coming I wanted a better solution. I installed an outlet on 1/4" plexiglass, sealed with weaterstripping and added a velcro strap and hook to hang it above the snow when I'm at Lunch. Check it out.
it's hard to tell exactly what yopu have done there ken. are you in the basement of the building? does the window slide? how exactly are you sealing out the snow, etc.?
Yes, we are in a Bsmt Office and the window slides horizontally . Photo shows the window slightly open. Snow is not a problem, they keep it shovelled. The weather-stripping on the top, bottom and left side of the plexiglass and on the edge of the window against the plexiglass should keep the blowing snow out. At least it's better than tossing the extension cord out the window into the snow !!!
absolutely, thanks. i have a first floor office with double hung windows and have been trying to come up with the same thing.