So I'm kind of an idiot and on my sub amp the wire out got hooked up my wires to my car speakers while replacing the battery and it went boom and there was a smell of burnt electrical. Now I don't have any sound coming out all in my car. I'm trying to figure out if it is a fuse problem or if I blew out all of my speakers, but before this happened I disconnected the center speaker by the screen because I wanted a more stereo sound in my car. I reattached the center speaker recently and still no sound. I looked at the fuses underneath the steering wheel and I couldn't find any blown fuses. A friend of mine told me I might need to buy a new radio since mine might have got fried. I really don't know tho. If anyone could help me it would be awesome. Oh and I did have a prius with a working sub up until this happened. Thanks
So I figured it out. I blew my jbl amplifier. Now I just need to get a new one and I think I'll be fine. Although if I could just get a cheaper aftermarket one or do I need to get the same one I already had.
You need to replace with the same unit. Failure to do so will cause even more problems! Try auto salvage yard?