Just wondering why you would ever get rid of a Toyota Prius, unless your upgrading to a new model. Let heard y'all input on this one = )
Priorities change and some people just like change. I like my Prius but it's not my girfriend or wife, although some people change those frequently too.
If you are a one-car family and the family grows, you may trade it in. If you move to a high-rise with no parking, you may sell it. If you're at 250,000 and think you may need a new HV battery soon, you may trade it in. If Subaru develops an EV with 100+ mile range and room for 5 plus cargo, you may trade it in.
The only way I'd leave the Prius is if: 1. Another brand comes up with a decent hybrid/ev. For example the Volt that uses a hybrid system rather than an gas generator, or a PiP with better than 11-13 miles EV range. 2. Toyota becomes like HP or Dell and rapidly decline in car quality to try to cut costs (in which case I wouldn't leave the current Prius I have, but rather would avoid purchasing one in the future) 3. I become rich enough to afford a Tesla, Fisker, or maybe the Lexus ES Hybrid...
I won't get rid of the Prius, but I will be getting a Tesla or Leaf when the time comes to compliment the rest of my cars. And like said above, the only reason to not buy another Prius as a hybrid is if Toyota's quality takes a dive like any of the Big 3. And then I would just buy the newest of the old "good" stock
1. I'd rather drive an SUV because I'd sit higher. 2. If I had enough money to afford the high price of gas for lower MPG, I'd buy an SUV. 3. If I didn't give a darn about the environment, I'd buy an SUV. 4. If I didn't drive in Santa Monica a lot, I'd buy an SUV (you can get some funny stares there). 5. Chicks like Ferraris, etc. Mike
I have no idea. The Prius is an amazing daily driver. And for the record I just sold my 08, but only because I've ordered a plug-in version
I've been thinking about this as well. I think that this is going to be a very tough car to replace. I didn't buy the Prius because I NEED it, I bought it because I got sick of putting $70 of gas into the Pilot and getting 300-330 miles out of it. I now drive 450 miles and fill up for $28-30. Although I'd rather drive an Escalade, I just can't in good conscience get one because it's so uneconomical in terms of car/maintenance/gas. I think in a year or two, the Prius will go to the wife and I'll get a Subaru Outback but we'll see. My opinion changes pretty often, I have not had a single car for over a year in 10 years.
I have three main priorities when buying a car. 1) it meets the needs of our household. 2) it a efficient as possible. A) Uses the least amount of gasoline possible B) Emits the least amount of GHG both now and in the future. Brand loyalty does play a role, but I am not a slave to it. When someone made a vehicle that met all of our households needs and was more efficient for our driving patterns, I bought it. When someone else built another car that worked well for our household needs and used no gasoline at all, we replaced our second Prius. Just remember the "perfect car" for you may not be the perfect car for everyone.
I'm right there with you, I love the Prius for it's gas mileage when it boiling down to it. Hopefully one day MPG will be a lot better than what they are these days. BTW I have a chevy pickup sitting in the garage since I got the Prius..
After having the Prius I would not own another non-hybrid or BEV. I am planning on my next car being a BEV for my work commute and having some type of hybrid (PiP or Volt type) for long range driving.
If I can get one that has solar roof that actually charges the battery and has a battery that will last me at least 100miles, and I don't care about the brand name.I'm not loyal to any brand, I just need a economic car that gives good range and is fairly priced.
1. I dislike the Prius look. (hence I got the C, but it is just "OK" in my mind) 2. Volt gets better mileage. 3. Plug ins are the start of good things to come. 4. I am not impressed with the C, my wifes 2013 Fiesta is far more comfortable for 5k less (both highest packages) I would have purchased the Volt over the C if it wasn't for the price. 25k was just at my limit.
I suspect that many ideal customers for the Volt and Leaf had a Prius before those cars became available. So of course they would be getting rid of their Prii.
I would get rid of my Prius for something that got me more MPGs. I have no brand loyalty. If you can give me more MPGs for around the same price, I'm interested. I considered the Volt, but since I have 3 kids and a wife it's sometimes necessary to all go somewhere together. I didn't even consider it this time around because of it. Maybe when the kids are older and they can drive themselves, I will consider the Volt again.....or maybe something better will come along by then.