Hello Everyone, A hybrid/Prius is my dreamcar, and was thinking it was a few years away until I saw one advertised privately for $7500, (Australian), new battery, but has 345000 kms on it. In researching if this is too many kms I came across this forum. Questions: Am I crazy to consider this? Does that seem like a good price for something that year with so many kms on it? (Feels like it should be cheaper, but I don't know, maybe bc it is a Prius it is more?). Your advice is much appreciated! Love Sunshiney
New traction battery or new 12V battery? If you can take it by a Toyota service center they can hook it up to their scanners for a short drive and give you a pretty good evaluation of the hybrid drive components. This usually costs in the $125 USD in the US and is well worth it as a pre-purchase evaluation. Other than that, you should really check out the wear and tear to determine value. It's hard to compare car pricing between markets. Prius do hold their value well, especially when gasoline prices go up.
seems high to me, but i don't know anything about prices down under. what would an 04 with 100,000 miles cost?
That's a lot of money for a car with that many km, but that's my opinion as an American who had owned a lot of high mileage cars. No idea what the Australian market is like. phone using an app
Yikes that's a lot of km even if the EV batt is new there is potential for a few other big ticket items (transaxle and inverter) You may want to check out "sticky" thread on Gen-II generic issues
Thanks for the replies everyone! I may need to let go of the dream, and wait a few years, (it is only the stories of Taxis with 500 000 km on them that give me hope, but I realise they are usually very well looked after). It does seem high to me, but hard to compare with US market. Bisco, you asked what an 04 with 100000 miles would be, which is 160 oookms. From the used car pages: (I couldn;t find any 2004s, but will these give you an idea of australian market?) 2007 145000km/90 000 miles $13 775 2007 60 000km/37 000 miles $16 999 2006 86 000km/ 53 000 miles $15 000 John, the toyota service centre check is a good idea. I guess my fear would be getting it and then it needing a big service like wjtracy says. Also they may be able to give me a market evaluation (I dream they say , hey its only worth $2000, which I could justify spending if it was going to be a bit of a gamble! ) Love Sunshiney
Could you point me in the right direction for that sticky thread? I had a look in GenII forums but couldn't find it (200 000mile club fed my hope tho!!! Oh no!)
I think he's talking about Common 2G Problems, and What to Do About Them... | PriusChat at the top of Gen II Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting | PriusChat. I can't speak to pricing since Australian Prius pricing appears to be real high (for new ones) but I'd want a new/recently replaced HV battery. 345K km = 214K miles, so I'd say the HV battery might need replacement soon (if it were the original). You need to be clear which battery/batteries were replaced: the small 12 volt or the big NiMH pack or both.
Here is the "sticky" thread I was talking about, it can be found under Gen-II Maintenance forum. I don't know if all the posts in there clearly state the bigger $$$ risks for your case, but it is a start. I was just looking at Consumer Reports today, and except for the nuisance issue of water pump failures, the 2006 is getting top reliability marks for transmission etc. If you search enough here, on used Gen-2 you should get a feel for the rare but possible big ticket items. 345000 km = 215 k miles soooo not so bad. Common 2G Problems, and What to Do About Them... | PriusChat