just got the 2 set of weather guard today,the first one is oem jdm from toyota japan and other one is aftermarket jdm will trying to fit on and let you guys know how is look like and sale one set out of my hand.
^^i have one more set extra but if you wanna try. you can go on ebay its about $480 on ebay for oem. for me i ask my friend living in japan buy it for me and i paid shipping everything from website to his house and japan to usa.
Rakuten: Prius α side visor RV wide Toyota genuine part prius α parts [zvw41 zvw40] parts pure Toyota Toyota pure toyota part option visor- Shopping Japanese products from Japan I buy from Rakuten above which is a lot cheaper than Ebay (in this case it is $251.64) even with somewhat high shipping fee. Make sure you look for Prius α parts not Prius V.
yeah. this the way i did also. i got the oem for like $220 + shipping and got other set jdm for $135 + shipping but i just paid shipping twice. thats all
it's look pretty much the same but i got OEM on mine. aftermarket in japan they have a lot of quality and style you can choose.