Thanks and yes, it is definitely a relief when it is done. I made it to 700 and posted on the "700 Mile Club" thread. Btw - I did a search for "NGC4565" and nothing came up.
Congrats! How many gallons did she take in? regarding fuelly: Ah - try it again. I didn't know I had to check the "share" box.
Thanks Here are the details: Miles: 700.3 Gallons Pumped: 10.836 MFD = 68.5 mpg Calculated = 64.6 mpg MFD vs. Calculated = -3.9% Error = 6.04% Avg Speed: 26 mph Edit: Error %
Congrats, kalome! That puts you at number 11! I was hoping you would make it before temps dropped too low.
Thanks Justin, but 68.5 was my MFD. Calculated 64.6. "hoping you would make it before temps dropped too low." I was hoping too. Glad I was able to do it. Edit: I just realized you are listing MFD for the others as well, so nevermind.
Technically your error is 6.04%, because the actual (calculated) result should be in the denominator. Think of it this way, if your MFD was 100 mpg and your calculated was 50 mpg, would the error be 50% or 100 %. Either way, great job! Maybe next summer I can get there.
How is that? Wouldn't you divide the 3.9 into the MFD? 50 / 100= .50 - 50% 3.9 / 68.5= 0.0569- 5.69% Where do you get 6.04% ?
In my above example, it is not 50% off, it is 100% off, since the true (real) number is the 50 mpg, which is the actual calculated value. You should always measure against the real value. So, in your case it works out to 3.9/64.6 = 6.04% This means that the MFD reads 6.04% high.
Oh yeah, gotcha. I guess I've been doing it wrong the whole time measuring against MFD. I'll have to change the % on all my fuel-ups on fuelly. Thx.
fwiw my daily communte is about 25-30 miles (round trip) and my drive to the grocery store or walmart is about 2-3 miles. I have to drive for almost 3 weeks to hit a 500 mile tank and that means several days at 2 pips or less on the gas gague. I can do a 500 mile tank I'm sure but it'd require avoiding a fillup at the 400+ mile level when it would be comfortable. The reality is that I see 60+ MPG on my MFD every fillup from spring to fall but in fall when the temps are right I approach 70 MPG on the MFD but even then it has nothing to do with a lucky trip. Any fillup for me is 2 to 4 weeks of travel. A minimum of 20 trips but a 500 mile tank would be more like 30-50 trips for me (counting fast food, shopping, commute). It's a shame the MFD doesn't display a count of the number of days since last fillup and/or number of trips. If you saw the number of trips and the relatively short length of the trips you wouldn't assume it was a lucky streak.
If you are filling up with 2 pips left and can not hit 600 miles on a tank that is your own fault. There is no good reason to fill up with 2 pips left. (in fact one could argue it's not that smart since you get your best FE when there is less weight/gas in the vehicle) If you are really averaging in the upper 60's then 600 miles should be so easy to hit even with a ton of gas left in the tank.
Maybe you haven't seen any of these threads? Google I know you profile is newer to Priuschat than mine and I've been reading priuschat for quite a while before I bothered to create a profile but I've read most of those threads and the vast majority of regulars on priuschat recommend refilling the tank at two pips on the Gen II. You can say there is no reason to refill at 2 pips especially since you are driving a car without a bladder but those of us driving a Gen II have to deal with a variable sized gas "tank". I don't know for a fact from one fill up to the next that I'll get the same amount of gas in the car. At 65 mpg 8 gallons would get me to 500 miles. Anything above that and I'm pushing the bladder issue. I might get away with it or I might be calling for roadside assistance after running out of gas. I could drive around with a gas can or I could just refill the tank when I still have a pip or two.
My apologies. I didn't see that you were driving a Gen 2. I didn't think about that. Maybe we should officially go to about 550 miles so that Gen 2 people can safely get in. Thoughts Justin?
As a former GenII I know how sketchy it can be to push a tank. Somewhere we decided on a 600 mile minimum tank but I didn't see it listed in the official requirements listed on the first page so I added a 500 mile requirement. It is important to point out that GenIII owners do not have to run a full tank to submit. If you feel you have done your best by 500 miles then submit at that point.
Markabele - I almost posted something similar to yours but when I saw DHanson865 sidebar profile, I realized he was driving a Gen II (he's got a picture of a Gen III, which led me to think he had a 2010 or later model year). It made me realize that I'm so locked in on the Gen III that I forgot about some of the challenges that face the Gen II drivers. DHanson865 - Thank you for your very civil response to Mark. F8L - I think 500 miles is a good distance to estimate mileage, especially for a Gen II and Prius C (and it still kicks butt on just about any other car on the road for range).
Cracking the top 20 on a Gen II car is harder to do than with a Gen III. 500 miles sounds very reasonable. I'm amazed at how well the Toyota engineers fixed the problem of seeing the Gen II battery gauge go down to the purple range - as I recall 2 bars or less. If I'm not in hyper miling mode on Gen III, I rarely see the battery gauge go down to 2 bars. This was a problem for me with the Gen II when driving in a hilly region. I didn't dare pass anyone on an uphill climb if I didn't have at least a half battery left as the HP would dangerously decline when seeing purple in the battery gauge.
Not to complicate things, but maybe there should be a top 20 for each car/version (Gen II, GenIII, c, v) as well as an overall? This would give recognition for every category.