Those were actually the non-union US Toyota workers who were complaining about your buying a foreign made vehicle. Always funny to see the flag wavers doing pretzel logic to rationalize buying foreign cars. I'm a buy American union guy but more important to cut US oil use, oil is a danger. Japan trade is not.
Haha. Yeah, owning the Japanese car with 0% dometic content DOES come up in convo. We also own a 2010 Ford Escape and a Four Winns boat (Made in Cadillac, Michigan). So I use that with that argument. PLUS since age 16, every car Ive ever bought has been from a US based manufacturer. And Ive owned over 35 cars!! (Sometimes I had 2-3 cars at a time). So I also bring that up.
Japanese car weighs on me. First import since my '72 bug. But on a mission to cut oil use from Explorer 16 mpg to Escape Hybrid 32 mpg to..had to be "double" and couldn't plug in (no Volt) so it had to be Prius 54 mpg for this three year cycle. Ford let me down, no hybrid Focus. Had the CMAX been six months earlier, I'd have gotten it despite the 47 mpg vs. Prius 50 mpg. More often than not the Prius haters are driving BMW's or Tundra's or other imports so they can't get a angle there. Prius haters are usually driven by gas hog guilt more than anything. They know they shouldn't be driving their low gas hog but they're stuck so next best thing, try and rationalize by attacking the high mileage vehicles they know they should be driving.
...this may be useful...someone else posted it orginally TOYOTA CANADA : Hybrids > Hybrid Myths and Misconceptions
Yeah, Ive read sites like that and even here but Im looking for snapbacks to people who say things to us. For example: My brother, a hater says, "your hybrid is responsible for the nickel mining fiasco in (so and so country) and by driving this car you support that" Response: Oh yeah? What do you think is under all that plated chrome on your bumpers and trim on that stupid SUV you are driving?!
I support the education concept some have mentioned. If you assume someone is being "hateful" when they really had just formed opinions from lack of knowledge, you miss an opportunity to educate. The most 'bang for your buck' is to give them a ride or even let them drive. If it degenerates, and I am asked about the 'toxic' nickel or even more laughable 'toxic' lithium (love that one), I simply ask how many soldiers died 'stabilizing' oil producing nations, or how much money we invest to patrol the straights of Hormuz(sp?) vs how many soldiers have died stabilizing Canadian nickel mining operations? Gives the conservatives something to gnaw on.
...well you are dealing in the realm of political arguments (non facts/perception). My nature is to avoid political arguments, but try an "end around" such as I would say- "Prius is the bast car out there as far as energy efficiency and that is important if you want your kids to have energy. But you are entitled to your own politics, so if you want to buy an equivalent efficient car go ahead (such as Cruze, Volt, FORD hybrid). Note that I think Prius is still more efficient and bigger space; there has yet to be a Prius killer because Prius is so well thought out, is why you went with it over another contender. At some point if a Prius killer emerges from FORD or someone with Li battery, then fine and dandy.
According to the Nickel Institute, most nickel is used in stainless steel and steel alloys. Cookware anyone? NiPERA
First, make the remark if the situation applies: Notice that we are not having this discussion at the gas station.