Just purchased a 3rd gen Prius 4 with performance plus pkg. it comes with daytime lights under the front turn signal lights. I was wondering if there is a way to turn both headlights and daytime running lights at the sne time?
So u don't what the DRLs on during the day? U will still need to rewire them. There is a connector on the bumper that needs to be disconnected when removing the bumper. U would need to find the wire on the car side that supplies power to the DRLs. Cut it off the connector & run a tap off the headlight. This will allow the DRLs to be on with the headlights but will render them useless during the day unless u turn on ur headlights.
Thank you everyone for the info.. I am not very handy, is this something I can ask the dealer to do for free or are they going to charge me? Any place you recommend?
Ur only about 80 miles from where i live & about 30 miles from where i work. If u want to drive out to commerce where I work, I can do this for u in about 30 mins & will only cost u $40
There's probably a law from 1927 that the DRL must comply with. The same law that made Mercedes-Benz and Volvo change their lights and Citroën disable their swivelling headlights. And put the MG on stilts. DRL are generally not supposed to be used when headlights are on, in the same way the fog lamps and headlights are not supposed to be on together. However, you want to use the DRL as sidelights (parking lights), so you could argue that they can be on with headlights because they can switch off.
Those laws are true but don't apply to the US......not yet at least. The DOT is behind the ECE. DRLs in the US are still not mandatory so using them with the headlights isn't illegal.
I found this thread while trying to find a mod to run both simultaneously. Has anyone done it? I suppose there's a relay that controls the DRLs, shutting them off when headlights are on. I'd still like to retain the DRLs w/o headlights. Hopefully I'll get some tips and not have to reinvent the wheel, if it's already been done. Thanks