As you may know, we're not allowed to pump our own gas in NJ. I pulled into the station, hit the filler button and told the attendant to fill it up. "You have to turn your car around to the other side" "Why's that?" "The filler's on the other side" "You're standing next to it" "This car has two tanks?" "The other one's for electric" "Then why do you need gas?" "It's half gas" "Huh? Oh, ok".
Safety. It is safer to have a minimum wage teenager pulling on the license plate to find the filler neck, overfilling the tank, and setting the gas cap down in puddles of rain water, than to have the driver do it. On my last ski trip to Oregon, I absentmindly filled up myself. Only when going in to pay did I remember that I wasn't supposed to touch the pump, but no attendant had come over to my car. When I found him, he was quite confused about me trying to pay for a fill he hadn't performed, in fact he hadn't even noticed my car yet.
I've heard that the official reason is "safety". You know, to prevent all those incidents of drivers that blow themselves up with spilled self-service gasoline. What, you never have heard of this happening? Me neither.
I was happy that the guy kind of understood what I was talking about. A lot of times, I point and get grunts as replies.
I was happy that the guy kind of understood what I was talking about. A lot of times, I point and get grunts as replies.
I was happy that the guy kind of understood what I was talking about. A lot of times, I point and get grunts as replies.
I was happy that the guy kind of understood what I was talking about. A lot of times, I point and get grunts as replies.
when i showed my local station owner the electric door on the other side, he started mumbling about cars not needing gasoline and looked a little depressed.
i get similar impression from the owner when I fill up my prius at the local gastation I've been patronizing for past few years. reminds me of the new altima commercial
Gasoline is dangerous! Some of the best conversations I have had with people have been at gas stations. I still visit our local one to wash the windshield or headlights and pick up a pop/soda from time to time.