Only had my PiP since Friday and still learning. Today I drove today for 18 miles, mostly city with no charge (depleted it early today) and got 70 MPG per the trip summary at the end. Though I'm not complaining, I thought the PiP turns into a regular Prius Hybrid and gets about 50 MPG when it doesn't have a charge. Does having a PiP still have an advantage over a regular Prius even when the traction battery is depleted?
In EPA test, it gets 1 MPG higher on the highway test. That wasn't enough to bump the combined figure to 51 MPG but there is an improvement. I have seen other owners reporting higher HV MPG with the plugin charge depleted. Keep reporting if you are able to reproduce it. What was your prior car?
Even if the battery shows no charge, you can still get over 50 if you are driving city speeds. Do you live right in JC or up in the hills surrounding?
Right. I was expecting to see 50 mpg range. I live in Johnson City and work in Binghamton but no hills.
Thats pretty good without hills. On a 13 mile trip with a drop of about 600 feet in elevation, I've gotten 72MPG. Going back the other way, I'd be lucky to get 50MPG though.
Is it possible that what you saw is combined mileage, including what you drove on EV prior to depleting the battery? If you hadn't turned off the ignition anytime after the EV was gone, the trip total at the end would include it all, I believe.
I was asking about hills bc I used to live in JC on NY ave off of Floral. Now when I go home there is a large hill that I go down before getting into Penn Yan and I can pick up 0.8 miles of full plug in charge just by going down that hill with an empty battery.
Yea, I'm off Harry L Drive. I lived in an apartment on Floral back when I was in college. Small world.
Well, if you keep your foot out of it and don't exceed 35, it will run on the battery for quite a while. Anybody chime in with under 35 mph range?
It was next to the Giant market from 92 to 97. I was the last asst mgr before it closed. If I remember Hyle's is up the street from Giant Oakdale Plaza, right?
Cool! Yea, it's closer to Airport Rd. Just got 69 D) MPG on my drive home on HV. Total miles was 3 miles for 10 mins.
Sorry to belabor the point, but where are you seeing that 70 mpg readout? If it is on the display that shows for a few seconds at the end of each trip- distance traveled, mpg etc, then that is excellent mileage for HV. OTOH, if you are looking at the consumption reading, it relates to one of the odometers, Trip A or Trip B, and you are getting an average from the last reset of that odometer. If you press the "trip" button on the steering wheel, you may get a different reading if one has been reset, or the same reading if they are identical. The consumption reading changes if the odometers have different mileage recorded. For example, I have kept Trip B from day one, and consumption shows 79 mpg for 8150 miles. But Trip A, which I reset with each re-fuel, changes with the amount of EV vs HV. It reads 108.5 miles, and the consumption shows 267.5 mpg. But the first 34 miles after fueling was on HV, everything since has been EV. I will have a lot of freeway (HV) driving tomorrow, and that 267 will drop off rather quickly, and end up in the 70 to 80 range by the end of the day. Hope this explanation helps. One last point, unless you manually switch EV off, you will get some driving in EV mode, especially at low speeds. You will see the EV light on the dash come on at that point. And even if you switch manually to HV, with each restart it will default back to EV.
I run between E Syr and Penn Yan. 75 miles one way. I charge up in the morning and sometimes at work. I am working on getting 60 mpg for a tank. The trip odo says 60 and I have 2+ gallons left. I will be filling up tomorrow and I will post that tomorrow.
Yes, the display that shows at the end of each trip. It shows miles traveled, time and cons mpg. My trip A is at over 300 MPG since I do get to plug in a lot. Today was the first time I ran out of juice early in the day due to errands.
OK, as I said, that is good mileage. You are getting some benefit from regen, and at low speeds probably running on the battery only, at times. In that situation, even if you manually switch to EV, you will get a message saying there is not sufficient charge to use EV mode. Yet it will draw from the battery when power demand is low, as in slightly downhill or creeping in traffic, etc. In any case, you are off to a good start!
I would say that you must be a very gentle driver, if you pulled 70 MPG in 18 miles of level city driving.