My iPhone 5 links with my Prius via Bluetooth to make calls and to play music stored on the phone, but it fails every time I try the Connect To Internet option. I have entune on my iPhone. I've registered at the entune site. Any suggestions?
You need to plug it in the USB with your lightning connector. That's a fail in my opinion if you can't do it via blue tooth. You're better off just starting the pandora app on your iphone and streaming via blue tooth. I hope that gets fixed soon. Also, be warned that the new lightning USB connector will get stuck in the USB slot. I had to use a collar stay to get it out.
yup I have 6. I get the "Unable to connect, please ensure that your entune app is open on your device" message. I'm paraphrasing there.
Yup I registered on toyota's website with my VIN. I have downloaded the app on my iPhone4. My car (2012 model 4) is using bluetooth to get my phonebook and all that just fine, but when I tell it to connect to internet, it tells me that connection failed and to make sure the app is open. The app is on and open to the homescreen. I have gone ahead and plugged in my usb cord and connected in the console and I know it is connected because it will play my phone's audio through the car speakers, but it still says "connection failed" when I go to internet through the paired device menu. I also went ahead and clicked on pandora in the app home screen and added my log-in information so it has my log-in info, but when I click pandora from the app menu on the car's screen, it tells me I need to connect to the internet. Any ideas? Thank you for talking this out with me, BTW. I appreciate it.
Hmmm...interesting. Sounds like you did everything I did. I recently got mine to connect to the internet wirelessly but you must have tethering (personal hotspot) enabled. Chick this thread that helped me. Iphone 4s connectivity problems | PriusChat
If you go to the entune website and check compatibility for entune and Iphones, you get the following," Toyota vehicles equipped with the Display Audio multimedia system require all iPhone users to connect using an Apple connector cable to the vehicle's Universal Serial Bus (USB) port." If you have the "Premium HDD Navigation with EntuneTM" then it should work without the usb cable. So unless you have the technology package, you're stuck using the cable for entune with traffic, pandora(car pandora) ... on the iphone. It seems you can stream music from the phone though and make calls through bluetooth, but you have to use the USB to get the internet functions working (traffic, pandora (from car)...). If I can do it by making my phone a personal hotspot, then ATT will charge me an extra $15+ per month for making it a hotspot I think so forget that idea. It seems Toyota really dropped the ball with Entune because the different iphone models are the top selling phones in the US. I guess the best thing we can do is to trash the Entune app in itunes reviews and maybe they'll fix it then.
Just got our new V5 yesterday and am trying to figure things out. Bluetooth hook up for my iPhone 5 and my bride's ip4 was flawless. Couldn't get Entune to work though, even though I was duly registered and had the app up and running on my phone, BT on and connected, and sitting in the car. I got a message "Connect has failed. Please ensure that the Entunes app is running on your device." Well, the app IS running, currently showing the local weather. I then read that it only works if plugged into the system via usb plug and cable. I tried that and it does, indeed, work that way. Kinda screwy that bluetooth works wirelessly as it should but Entune has to be hard wired???? On another note, the radar on the weather app really sucks! Very hard to read and it apparently centers on a radar about 100 miles west of here, barely getting our area in the lower right corner of the screen. There's no way to scroll around the screen and punching the + button just makes the picture larger but moves our area totally out of the picture. It would be nice if the radar picture centered on the cars location! I have location services turned on so it should do a better job of pulling up the appropriate radar... like Houston instead of Waco. Actually, the whole weather app on entune is sucky and lightweight. It takes forever to pull up anything, whether on the car's system or just on my iPhone. It would be so much better if the onboard weather app was
It most likely uses USB for various reasons. The most obvious is your phone stays charged rather than having the BT suck battery down when it's BT only as in my HDD system. I'm sure people who are unfamiliar with BT would complain that their battery runs down. I plug mine in to USB to charge it and then have to swap the audio back to BT. Another benefit of USB is no degraded BT audio. I could handle plugging it in for these two benefits. But, that's me.