Just make sure you get it in writing from the dealer that you're coming from out of state to buy the car and will get the incentives.
BuyAToyota.com site says "up to $5000" incentive for a zip code of 21060 which is just an example, Glen Burnie, MD. Doesn't give a specific amount. Fine print says only in MD and VA
That's some bizarre wording. I guess it allows them to have a gradation of incentives based on your credit score? So $4k for 650-750 but $5k for 700+?
I would assume so. You must qualify for 0% APR for 60 months to get the incentive because it's "TFS Finance Cash"
fine print says offer varies by model. So it looks like what is in Boston. 3500 Base and 5000 Adv model.
Like I said, we just sold one to a guy in Michigan and he got the $3500. We get the money from TFS after the sale, so we aren't going to give someone that kind of money and not get it back.
I just got my PIP a little over a week ago. Love it so far and wanted to post what I paid. I think there are some good deals out there if you do some research. I live in the Boston, MA area, so this may be very specific to my area. Advanced Model sticker: $40,510 Discount: $2,369 Toyota Rebate: $5,000 Price Before Trade: $33,141 Trade In: $14,500 (traded in a 2007 FJ Cruiser with 85k miles) Amount Due: $18,641 (qualified for the 0.0% financing) I got a few extras that bumped the total price to a little over $20k. I wasn't going in with the idea of buying a new car, just wanted to check it out and test drive. Things just aligned perfectly and I ended up with a new car. Not sure if they had a bunch in stock and wanted to move them quickly. My car only had eight miles when I drove it off the lot. I love that I've gone over 400 miles already and still have a half tank of gas left. A far cry from the FJ's mpg.
Great deal Jaimison, welcome to the forums. $33,141 sounds like record for advance, although I don't know what kind of value your FJ cruiser held.
Yes you have to buy it there, but can live anywhere and register it where you live. They have to sell to anyone.
New to the forum here! Just bought a base 2012 prius in MD tonight. 79 MPG on the way home from the dealer!!!!! Purchase Price: $27,479 Invoice if known: not sure Sticker: $33,??? Model (advanced or standard): base Options: $250 floor mats and $65 bumper sticker!! $3500 incentive $500 military incentive $31437 purchase price not sure what the Federal Credit will amount to? No tax in MD for PIP up to $2000
Welcome aboard on Prius Chat!. I am dying to know if MA gives any state/utility incentives for PiP? You would qualify for $2500 Federal tax credit.
Trent- believe the MA sales tax rebate is the state incentive for MA residents. In your case in PA (if you had purchased in MA) you would pay PA sales tax then get $1000 back from PA as the PA state incentive is $1000.
I just purchased the Plug-in base with Blizzard Pearl. Purchase price with the $3,500 rebate and dealer discount was $27,652. The problem is, I had to fly to MD to get the car. No incentives in OH.
Good effort by you. MD is such a funny shaped state, it gets quite close to OH over by Cumberland MD on I68. But I assume maybe you had to go further away in MD. In any case, your experience seems to prove that the dealers can give the Toyota special deal to out-of-state buyers. Maybe we need a PiP Pilgrimage thread - adventures in out-of-state car buying. Thanks also for tip on OH incentives (or should I say lack thereof)...
How are the taxes calculated? Is the taxes calculated without reducing the rebate or discount amount of $3500?