Is anyones battery at full charge during city driving? I can't say in the 4000 miles I've had my car the HSI has shown a fully charged battery??? I can get it to show a full charge after a long sustained downhill route?
I have not noticed any battery full charge during city drive and I think it is impossible to get one. You can easily get it fully charged if you are travelling downhill for several miles. I personally noticed twice.
Full isn't actually the desired state. The 6-bar level most commonly seen is the optimal for battery longevity. Also note that the display only shows you the operating-range of the battery, not the actual entire capacity. In other words, 8 bars is really only around 85% and 1 bar around 35%.
I've only seen the full eight bars twice and that was after going down a long grade with the battery a six bars to start. When we stored our Prius for five months I got the indicator to one less than full and when we returned, it hadn't changed.
Just a word of advice! Try not to use the word "impossible" people in this forum will walk all over you to prove you wrong! Let the flaming begin....
Thanks for your advice. I was referring to city drive. I did say "I think" too. I believe that whenever we use the word "I think", we are subject to approval/correction. Correct me if I am wrong as I do not use English very often.
I have heard sources stating the gauge is from 40%(0 bar) 80 %(8 bar). Any reference to your numbers? Scangauge reading?