I'm looking for ideas for installing a gun safe in the prius. I believe the under the floor storage in the trunk would hold a tactical weapon and the glove box will hold a hand gun but has anyone installed either?
I would think you could have something secure made of wood lined with felt. With a locking mechanism it would be safe, secure, and wouldn't rattle or damage your guns. Most shops capable of woodworking could build it as could most decent car stereo shops. In fact, a car stereo shop would have everything you need on hand.
There are wall hangers that are used to lock firearms and will cover the fire control mechanism. You might try a google search. I cant remember the manufacturer, but they would probably be easier to install than a complete box type safe. Update: Ah, found it: Ridgeback Racks - Locking Gun Racks And another: ShotLock Shotgun Vault Details :: ShotLock.com
Am I going to run into any issues with weight and wood? being so far back, I would think I would want to keep the weight down. Also, any heat issues with that compartment?
As for the "gun safe" in a car...not safe or good practice. Get a gun case, put it in the trunk. Take it to where you are going to use it and then take it home. Never leave guns in a car to get stolen.
I use Pacsafe Travelsafe 12L when I need to leave my laptop in my Prius v. The Travelsafe 20L is a bigger option. I tie it to one of the anchors in the trunk and close the cargo cover, or tie it under the front seat if I want it to be safer. The anchors in the trunk can be unscrewed easily, so it is not safe enough for a gun. I have considered replacing the screw of one of the anchor's screws with a tamper-resistant security screw, but have not done it yet. I like the Travelsafes because they are very light compared to a regular safe. Actually, I carry it as an insert to my backpack. The steel wires are strong enough, and as long as your gun is not an NAA Mini it will not slip thru the mesh. And...if you decide to use one of the commercially available safes, just pray that the potential thief has not seen this video: Unsafe Gun Safes Can Be Opened By A Three-Year Old - Forbes
Hey guys, This is a car forum. Let's keep this to the topic of how to install a gun safe/locker in a car - not whether guns are dangerous, etc. Those opinions should be reserved and shared at a gun/weapons forum, not here at Priuschat.com. If that's unclear, please review the Priuschat T&C's: Terms of Service and Rules | PriusChat Consider this your fair warning. Continuing the debate will result in additional thread clean-up and/or temp/permanent bans. Please play nicely. I've removed the video and debate as it doesn't fit under the PG guidelines of this site (multiple F-bombs), nor is it on topic.
As for the topic - I'm going to have to agree with Proximal - a nice, lockable Pelican case is much more appropriate as the weapon can be removed from the vehicle when not being used, and doesn't contribute to permanent weight of the car. If your goal is to bring your weapons to and from the range, stash the case under the tonneau cover in the trunk. Smaller arms cases could even be stashed under the rear floor if they don't need to be readily accessible (obviously depends on your states laws, CCW, etc.), if the case is small enough. If you need something accessible, I imagine a small pocket-pistol would fit just fine in the upper glove-box. Put in some felt to protect it, of course, and if possible, place it in a way where the deadly end isn't facing toward you or your passengers. Leaving the weapon in the car can be an easy theft target. I had a co-worker who did leave a handgun in his vehicle. The car was broken into, and the gun (registered) was stolen. It was later recovered after someone used it in the commission of a crime. My co-worker was lucky to get it back.
Even Seattle's police chief is not immune to this: Seattle Police Chief's Gun Stolen. Unfortunately, it has not been recovered. We were not given any detail of how he had it secured, so no safekeeping lessons learned. Of course, CCW holders will find the most secure place is on their person, where that is permitted.
I'm going to assume you are looking for a way to secure a ccw when you go into a pro criminal zone. If that is the case, your best bet is something like a Gun Vault Nano bolted through the floor wherever is convenient for you. The weight is minimal and it is as secure as you will get without going custom made.
Yeah...that’s not an option when you work for state government and you are forced to disarm yourself and lock your firearm in your vehicle at work. There is nothing wrong with locking your firearm in a property installed safe in a vehicle. The problem is when people leave them where they are immediately accessible and can be taken during a smash and grab.
In San Antonio there is a company that makes very nice gun safe's. I bought a center console safe for my Tundra and wished they made one specifically for the Prius. They do make a nice mountable gun safe that will do the trick though. Check out Lock'er Down I'm ordering this one: VERSASAFE LD1911