Questions about Prius.. prices, dealer vs. private sale warranty, end of year sales, etc.

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by pinkkitty724, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. paul_p

    paul_p Junior Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Southern NH
    2012 Prius c
    Indeed! I'd want to make sure there would be no penalty for paying off the loan early, in case you wanted to do that.
  2. pinkkitty724

    pinkkitty724 Junior Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    2012 Prius
    So, I picked it up yesterday. 2012 Silver Three with mats and Toyoguard Elite. No other options, warranty, etc. Got it for $23,503 + $399 dealer fee + TTL. I put $10,300 down and when it came time to deal with the finance guy he came over like, "I saw an odd number on your purchase order for financing." I thought to myself, "odd"??
    He was talking about the amount of $ down. He then went into a spiel about how when we drive it off the lot it depreciates so much that that $$ put down will be lost if for example, someone hit me and totaled the car, and if we put less $ down and put that amount on the loan in a year or two then it's not as bad of a loss. If we finance more, keep our $$ and get GAP insurance then if it were to be totaled then the GAP would cover my loss. So of course this made me second guess my decision. But in the end we still put the $ down. He was even trying to get me to finance more $ for a longer term to keep the payment down. Of course I was in-tune with his tactic and knew he was probably just trying to sell me the GAP even though he was trying to tell me that he rarely sees anyone putting so much $$ down and that he always buys his cars this way (less $ down, finance more, gap).

    He was then telling us that if we were to put less $ down we could have gotten a better interest rate. We got 1.79% which is actually .04% higher than my credit union but for convenience sake and to get it over with, I said fine. It's through the same bank as a couple of other accounts so it'll be easier to manage via the same account dashboard.

    My husband didn't seem to think Mr. Financial Advisor was using any tactics and that he was just being honest and helping, since he is the "financial advisor" and all. :p This tells me that I definitely cannot let him go car shopping alone when it's his turn!! He'll wind up financing 100%, buying GAP and the most expensive extended/maintenance warranties!

    All in all I think I did well, although the finance guy left a little of a sour taste in my mouth and is making me second guess things. And I have a lot to learn.. this car has a lot more "stuff" than my old 02 Mitsubishi!
  3. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    This is why Mr. Finance Guy is the Finance Guy. Of course he wants to sell a larger loan, more profit for him & the bank. The Prius does not depreciate $13200 the minute you drive off the lot. If it did then people wouldn't be having such a hard time finding cheap used cars. If your brand new car is totaled right off the lot you will most likely without a hassle be given the purchase price. I don't know how much a difference .04% makes but I would have gone with the cheaper loan on principle especially with the BS line that a lower down payment will get you a lower rate. If your loan has a rule of 78s clause it may not be cheaper to pay it off early. Things to remember for "next time". Enjoy the car.
    PriusGuy32 and pinkkitty724 like this.
  4. pinkkitty724

    pinkkitty724 Junior Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Thanks JimN! You've been a great help! Even if the loan doesn't get paid off cheaper, it can still be paid off earlier. The interest is under $800 total so it's not too horrible ;)
    Mr. Finance Guy was a smooth talking finance guy. The way he was saying things made it seem "real" and not a "tactic".. but I'm no dummy. But, he tricked my hubby! Even my sales lady said she looked at me from across the room while Mr. Finance Guy was talking to me and when she saw my face she told her General Manager- "I don't know what he's telling her, but look at her face. She's set in her ways and super smart, soooo...."

    When talking to her after Mr. Finance, she told me also that the depreciation isn't as much of a factor because of what you stated, JimN, and because I am already purchasing for $4k under sticker. She made a confused/"what-the-heck" face when I told her the scenario Mr. Finance was telling me about driving off the lot and getting smashed :). I really liked my sales lady. Apparently I was "refreshing" for her.. whatever that means. Once she realized what I was like, and wasn't taking any BS- she was nothing but honest, straightforward and REAL.. no sleazy salesperson-esque tactics.
  5. Spokanepriusgrl

    Spokanepriusgrl Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    Washington state
    2012 Prius
    Wow! You made the right decision NOT buying the gap insurance! You got a great deal and put a ton of money down so you should be fine if anything were to happen to the car. Both my salesman and the finance guy we met with tried to get me into a 72 or 84 month loan instead of going with my CU to keep the payment down, but my hubby and I wouldn't back down. Mr. finance also tried to say that's how he buys cars, with a longer term loan to keep the payment down. In my opinion, if you have to borrow that long, you can't afford the car. Then, he tried to sell us an extended warranty, which, because it was so late at night, to "make things easy because we were tired" was offered to us at cost-$600 to extend the warranty out to 70,000 miles. It was tempting, but I got burned on an extended warranty with Mercedes back in 2002 and swore never to buy one again. When we refused, he fed us a line that Consumer Reports recommended that Prius buyers buy an extended warranty because the Prius is so complex. We still didn't budge. Anyone else heard that claim? We own a Tundra and a Sequoia, and have never had any major repairs on them so we felt comfortable not buying an extended warranty, and just saving our money for an emergency. Congrats on the new Prius!
    PriusGuy32 likes this.