I'm trying to decide on a good bumper sticker to nudge the motoring public into fuel efficient cars. I see way too many big trucks and SUVs in my daily commute. I like the "What would Jesus drive?", but I'm quite a non-religious person. Once I considered "Osama bin Laden hates this car", but he is obviously dead. I saw the "Stick it to the man" ones but the message seams too subtle. Any other ideas on good available stickers?
LOL, I just googled for "prius bumper sticker" and got this: Prius Bumper Stickers, Prius Bumper Sticker Designs Not exactly my style. But, I found one that is passable:
I like that! I did find a similar one: from here: Political Prius Stickers | Political Prius Bumper Stickers – CafePress
Now, for people with the "drive slow" ideas, this is wrong and exactly why people hate Prius drivers. IMHO, Prius drivers should present themself as caring, considerate, and patriots.
by "drive slow" do you mean below the posted speed limit? I try and drive at the posted limit and am still being tailgated.
Legitimate arguments for or against hybrids don't fit on a bumper sticker. Most Prius bumper stickers, I think, are along the lines of the one that reads: "My Prius means I'm a better person than you." The only discussion I have is at the gas pump. If somebody asks me what I'm getting for fuel economy - I tell them. OTOH, I do like this one Face it, the real purpose of most bumper stickers is just to p**s somebody off.
You might be right. I'm naive enough to hope that you could educate someone by displaying one. Most people are ignorant that by burning excessive amounts of fuel, they are harming this country and transferring our wealth to oil exporters.
This seems to be the Law of Bumper Stickers They ignore them - unless.... They strongly disagree They see you being a bad poster boy (example: Save the Whales on a large SUV)
FYI - vis-a-vis the bumper sticker you're using for an avatar... On the day Obama took office gas was around $1.70 - so don't conflate oil prices and politics without due care.
Gas prices have little to do with politics. In the summer of 2008, Bush's last year in office, gas prices exceeded $4.
Yes, that avatar is a response to a certain new priuschat member that currently uses avatar stating that gas was $1.83 when Obama took office. I agree that blaming gas prices on presidents is ridiculous. I will change this avatar when he changes his. Here it is: