The snow fell last night (yes, quite early this year) so I thought I would take a hike. Drove up to the trail head and the Spideymobile did really good with the OEM Yokos. It was gorgeous on top...
Niether am I B! Our average first snow is Oct 18th. It has been just cool and wet this entire summer. Think I will move to GA.
Wow, Spidey! Left Wilmington this morning in shorts at mid-80's and traveled to Maine. A little cooler at 50F but far from snow. The view is gorgeous though.
Far northwestern Ontario, between Lake Superior and Hudson's Bay. A bit early for us here, but not unheard of. That said, it has been summer like the past few days, near 70 during the day, freezing or a bit lower at night. Icarus
I was going to ask "Where the hell do you live, Alaska?" then I looked at your mini-profile by the post...
spiderman you a very welcome to move to GA. The winters are usually mild... but the traffic sucks all year long!
Nice pics. I like snow sometimes. Tomorrow it will be 86 degrees in San Diego. My dog will enjoy dog beach.