I have to agree with ny_rob regarding the size. I bought a 10" MID with ICS on it and it is a bit large for a tablet use, IMO. I have big hands (and you know what they say about that...), and holding the table still doesn't feel comfortable for me. When I get an additional $200, I will look at the N7 to use for travel, etc. In the mean time, the MID works well in place of my laptop as long as it's nothing too intensive (typically email, internet, etc). It also doesn't generate as much heat or weigh nearly as much as the laptop. The case and USB keyboard built into the case make it a lot easier to use, too.
My wife is going to get my rooted full Gingerbread Nook Color too. Have you found a good stand alone map app that doesn't require a wifi connection to work?
Here's the most complete root package available for the N7: [Toolkit] Nexus Root Toolkit v1.5 - xda-developers Wait for v 1.5.3 to be released- maybe today or tomorrow- for a few bugs particular the the N7 to be addressed. There are other methods to root the N7 currently- but I'm waiting for the nexus Root Toolkit 1.5.3 It looks like the devs are really into hacking the N7- it should be a fun ride....
I have the original CoPilot GPS on my Acer A500 tablet- it works really well with just the GPS (no wi-fi)- it's now a free app and it's compatible with the Nexus 7 too: CoPilot GPS - Android Apps on Google Play.. There is a paid ($9.99 for the full USA) version of CoPilot GPS called CoPilot Live GPS that has more features than the free basic CoPilot GPS: CoPilot Live USA - Android Apps on Google Play..
Freeware MapDroyd is pretty good too and has worldwide maps... MapDroyd - Android Apps on Google Play
Just an update... Have had the Nexus 7 about a month now- it's been 100% rock solid! Highly recommend this 7" tablet. FWIW- I'm running a custom ROM and there are quite a few of them available at XDA site for those who prefer not to use the stock Google JB ROM.
Can you tell us a bit more about how you use your Nexis with your Prius? Are you by chance using it with a bluetooth OBDII reader and the Torque app? I'm planning on using that as my second instrument panel for my Prius as soon as I buy a Nexus. Do you think I'll be pleased with that configuration? Or should I look for something else?
My N7 isn't connected to the Prius, but on our recent vacation to Lake George and Howe Caverns I did cache the Google Maps for the area so we could have a better overall view of the towns other than simple nav offered by the Prius GPS. The GPS in the N7 is very sensitive and receives well both indoors and outdoors. Oh yeah- the wife used it for playing games during the drive too! I'm not running Torque app and don't have a BT OBDII reader, but if they're both Android compatible- they should work great with the N7.
Finally got a Nexus 7 a couple weeks ago. It runs real well... Screen size is the biggest limitation thus far... Still loads of configuration details to figure out too, but slowly it's integrating nicely into my daily workflow... The $25 credit at the Google play store has helped me immensely... I got some crazy mounting ideas for in the car too but still need to get OBDII Bluetooth adapter. What's the best OBDII bluetooth adapter to buy for a GenII Prius? Also is CAN-Bus and OBDII Bluetooth the same system or separate systems?
anyone looking for an in dash install for the nexus 7 ? I recently just bought a nexus 7 and immediately bought a 2010 Prius metra in dash kit to play around with. Still trying to see how I can integrate the nexus 7 into a in dash kit while still retaining my original radio
Just a bump to see if anyone has any recommendations on in car mounts for the Nexus 7. I've seen cd mounts, vent mounts, window mounts and dash mounts. From what I have read dash mounts do not work well if at all with our dash material. So I was thinking either window or vent mounts. Any thoughts?
I'd of had some photos for you by now had a glass bottle not of fallen of my shelf and smashed my Nexus 7... (sigh). I think I'm gonna get a Nexus10 replacement and figure out how to mount that instead.
Hey folks, It looks like lots of people are doing permanent installs of nexus 7 in their vehicle dash... I ran across this link, which links to other links: Google Nexus 7 Head Unit in 2008 STi - NASIOC
are you attempting one ? I'm borderline wanting to get a in dash tablet install, but yet, I don't want to lose my XM radio and my stock bluetooth >< I'm happy with my tablet holder
Had I done a permanent install I wouldn't of left my Nexus 7 on the floor under a shelf that a glass bottle fell off of, smashing the screen! :-( Maybe next Summer I might move the MFD and stereo to the armwrest center console positions and then mount a full size tablet in its place. Of course that's a huge number of wires to extend the length of...