Is this feature really available on the Basic? According to the Toyota site and manual it is, but I can not get it to trigger. The system sounds identical to my other Toyota, where you just push the brake pedal a little harder, and it activated (with a beep). Could have really used it, as I was waiting on a hill, and didn't realize how quick this car rolls back.
I have not seen either, I have tried to press brake little hard, but scared to press more hard. I have PiP basic.
Well, I'm talking about a very small incline, but enough to send the car backwards really quick. I am surprised that no one is able to confirm this yet, so I guess it isn't just me.
well, it's hard to describe the size or steepness of a hill, but i haven't had any problem moving my foot from the brake to the throttle before the car rolls back more than a few inches. i have been meaning to try the hsa, but i keep forgetting.
I'm sure I can get used to it, but after having this system for 5 years, I must have gotten spoiled I guess. Hopefully someone can confirm this, I'll have to finish reading the bigger manual (does seem to be generic, since it mentioned USB ports in locations I don't have).
Electric Charge, I have a basic PiP and tried out the hill hold which seemed to work well. I simply did as the manual suggested and pressed a little harder on the brake. I seem to remember there was an indication that it was set and could remove my foot from the brake and then when I pressed the accelerator the brake hold unlocked. I found it relatively easy, but without reading the manual I would not have been able to know it was there or how to engage it.
Yea I tried multiple times, a far as I could, really quick. At least now I know it is user error, a simple firmware upgrade should fix that
I haven't used it many times, but I wouldn't say you do it really quickly. You just push down at a slow pace until it engages. Maybe you are pushing down too fast.
I just went out and checked it during my lunch break. By pressing all the way down, there is a beep and a light comes up on the dash. It lasts barely two seconds, beeps again, and the light goes out. Use it or lose it! If you don't take your foot off of the pedal and to right to the accelerator, you will not have the brake assist there to help you.
Finally figured it out thanks to you guys With the RAV4, I had to push the pedal pretty fast, with the Prius, you just push it all the way at normal pace, till you feel you are about to push a mechanical switch, and keep pushing until the beep/icon flashes. Once you do that, you can let go of the brake, and it seems to hold it for 5 seconds or so, just like the RAV4. Very thankful this car has it. Now on to figure out what else I'm missing
mine works easily on my driveway each morning....i dont recal a beep or light, but i know cause i let off brake and car stops for a few seconds, then will roll back if i dont take off too soon. dan
Ill have to check for the flashing icon....I typically have tunes going when i leave my driveway so probably cant hear beep. It seems to work exactly same as my GTI did on my slight incline laneway....gti was a stick so it was very noticeable. Dan
I had trouble at firs but it works fine form me now. If I am waiting at a light I just wait with my foot on the brake to hols the car. As the light changes I press the brake to the floor, the car beeps and an icon comes on on the dash. shift foot to go pedal and of I go. I can do the whole thing in LA trafic before the guy behind me hits his horn.