I just Googled Leonid Brezhnev and copied the text. I speak a little German and French, but in Russian I'm limited to "da", "nyet", and "spasiba".
That was my plan! I was going to name mine Tardis/Sexy but the dealer didn't have any of the brighter blue. Instead I got the Summer Rain Metallic and I am considering Rory.
our's will be "Dick" Short for "Moby Dick, the MOBIlity appliance" (said with the utmost of affection)
Changed the name of our blue streak. We were calling it Nigel2 (our Echo was the first Nigel) because the dealer led us to believe we would keep the same license place (which ended in NJL hence Nigel), but that turned out not to be the case. The new license does not lend itself to a good name (ends in YDC), so we are now calling the car Entu or N2.
Now if only it would update my fuelly signature (yes, i changed it at fuelly and then copied the new code into my signature file here, but it still shows Nigel2 even though fuelly shows Entu).
When I added the photo to mine, I found it didn't update here until the next fuel up. Also the link actually didn't change anyway.
I am New Owner of Prius C two... I started calling Prius as "Battery Car" but Kids calling "Baby Car"... and wife calling as "Brid"...