Anyone else having the same problems? We have gone thru 3 tires in a week and the Dealer wil not replace. 15,000 miles on the tires....
I had one go in the first week, same result. They said it was a "road hazard" which I know did not exist.
Sounds awful. Can you let us know a little bit more about what happened? You have many miles on the tires for a 2012. Are most of the miles on the highway? What was the failure? Was it the same for each tire? What was the air pressure in the tires when you started driving, for most of the miles and last week? Have you hit any curbs? Are the wheels OK? Any other trouble, or did the tires just fail?
We have about a 3/4 mile drive on a dirt road. You can't travel very fast because of the bump and hills. ANd the rocks are punching holes in the side walls of the tires. I will be calling the tire rep next.
We have about 15,000 miles on the care. Most highway. We do live off a main road so about 3/4 mile dirt/stone. You can not travel too fast because of the hills and bumps. In the last week we have had 3 flat tires. Like the stones are pucturing the side walls. Called dealer no warantee. e have about 15,00
The tires are low quality construction on the sidewalls. Add in a manufacturing defect and you have a blowout or "puncture" in the first week like mine. While it's probably too late now, I would suggest buying Michelin tires as replacements.
I don't understand your last line. As far as the original tires are concerned, will you let us know the tire pressures? Also, what tires have you purchased as replacements? Have you had any problems with them?
15,000 miles on tires....sorry This car is only 6 months old. Car was just serviced a couple weeks ago. Tires were checked at that time and were fine. So far purchased one new tire not knowing others were also going to blow or go flat. We purchased a FalkenZiex ZE-612 to replace with a warranty. The other two tires we have plugs in the side wall and hope to we may new another 2 new tires coming up.
Thanks for clarifying the post. Also: can you report the tire pressures? I'm surprised you found someone who would repair sidewalls and put the tires back on your car. It doesn't seem very safe.
The holes in the side wall are small so if the plug does come out the tire will go flat but I can put the spare on or go to the nearest tire store...or at least I hope so. If not I will call a tow truck. I just never expected problems with all the tires at the same time.
I have the same type on mine and it is about 10k on them and they are just fine. These are low profile tires ,there is no much sidewall and if you drive daily on harsh road you have great risk to damage tire or wheel. What was the tire pressure on your last service?
Yes, I had a blowout with same tire. Dealer does not carry that tire but could order it and replace tire for $500. I could not drive around on the wimpy spare tire so I had the local Goodyear replace tire with equivalent tire for less than $200.
Is it possible that these tires were never designed to be run on the surface described by Candy? Perhaps the tire dealer could recommend a tire suited for off road service.
I've got these on my 2011 Prius Five, am at 15,000 miles and tread is still great and no problems like the OP has had. But I have never driven on gravel/dirt roads to any degree. Sounds like the sidewalls are not steel belted.
lol. Oh come on mate. You're driving 3/4 miles off road daily with 'road' tyres and wondering why they're getting damaged? Did you know that hot things burn and hitting your thumb with a hammer hurts. I think I've heard it all now.
For off-road use and such a heavy car you may consider using an Xl rated tire. The Proxes A20 in that size is W-rated standard load tire. Other great alternatives like the MXM4, Serenity Plus, and PureContact come in XL and V-ratings.