Hahahahahaha - you're cracking me up this morning! I did have a very nice rear wiper on the old Metro and have to admit I miss not only the big wiper, but the big window it was there for; an acceptable trade-off. I feel like I need a checklist when I power down now (one of those little clipboards like you used to see airline pilots using in the cockpit maybe?). I keep forgetting to LOCK the darn thing because I'm used to setting that inside the car and then just shutting the door and walking away. Now I need to give my door handle a little stroke - a new behavior to learn ;-)
LOL - Tracy! It's also my first experience with a bluetooth device that doesn't have to be stuck in my ear. I still find it odd to just sit there talking without something irritating my ear. Of course, I likewise dig all the different screens on the dash... it really does feel like a video game sometimes, and makes an otherwise boring drive a wee bit more interesting. My husband may not think it's a "real" car, but I wouldn't give it up for anything!
What counts as a "real" car for your hubbie? I've always loved hatchbacks! One year at Christmas I drove 800 miles to see my family and my mom was giving me her recliner chair. EVERY SINGLE GUY there swore that I wouldn't get the thing into the car (the Metro). I bet 'em all and proceeded to fold down the seats, load the recliner AND CLOSE THE HATCH. I'm a huge hatchback fan - you can fit so much into them. I need to pull that silly little cargo cover out of mine so that I can quickly fold down seats and load things in the C now. I can rent a U-Haul for the rare occasion when I need to haul something else and since it's usually just me, or me and 1 passenger, there is absolutely no need for me to be driving around in anything bigger. I've got voice activation with the 3 - I'm not sure who is smarter at this point: my car or me
Something that doesn't rub his nose in his bad driving habits, I suspect. So far, he has refused to try to learn to drive the car to its maximum potential. He thinks the whole "reverse is EV only" thing is crime against humanity... Like we were planning to park off-road, in rocks, at a 90-degree reverse angle. Sheesh. I had a similar experience with my Echo... needed to bring some large pieces of lumber and siding back from Home Depot and everyone, including my husband, said I couldn't do it. Period. Imagine his surprise when I not only did it, but did it without any help. So there. ;-) There were no 3s available (and i probably couldn't have afforded it anyway). I think voice activation would be too much for me... Like you, I don't want to feel that my car is smarter than I am!
I just bought an 8' 8" vertical blind from Home Depot - it fit in my C with the hatch closed (just!).