The app has been updated with the Charging Station Map and ECO Dashboard. Unfortunately, it still sucks 50% CPU on my iPhone 4S even when backgrounded.
I have no idea where they get their data, but it seems to match the data from the Entune Charging Station Map in the car. It seems to less comprehensive than PlugShare. When you find PlugShare errors, do you update the info?
Nifty thing is that ECO dashboard seems to have history back until April. I picked up my car back in late March, so I'm not sure why it doesn't go back a bit further, but it could be b/c I didn't register my car with Entune until then. There is something broken with the data, tho'. All the reports show < 20 MPG, which is ridiculous.
My ECO Dashboard history also shows April-September even though I got my car in late March. Maybe it only shows the past 6 months? The MPG numbers are definitely wrong - on many of the days when I used some gas, it shows less than 5 MPG, even though the screen in the car would generally show 50+ MPG. The days when I drove only in EV mode it appears to show 999.9 MPG, which matches what the car displays.
Is this an update that you do "over the air" with the phone connected to the car, or is it something you get from the app store?
Please fill me in on how the new Eco Dashboard works, because it has nothing but bogus information there now. Also, I have no idea how to work the "saved destinations" Entune app either. Does anyone have a clue? There isn't any information on the Toyota Entune website for either application.
It's new and the info it is displaying for me mpg at least is WAY off so I'm just gonna wait for them to fix it before I even begin to figure it out lol.
It just shows your historical MPG by day and month and gives you a score and ranking among other Prius Plug-in Advanced drivers. Think of it like a bookmark that is synced between your phone and car. You can use the Entune app on your smartphone and save destinations in Bing/MovieTickets/etc. They get synced to the car, so when you open Saved Destinations in Prius Plug-in, you can pull the saved location and display it on the map or call it without having to manually type it in.
Plug-in ECO Dashboard users, Thanks for the good discussion. The ECO Dashboard has a little data glitch. The team is working to push a fix to you so the MPG figures will recalculate automatically (probably sometime this weekend). The data shown is a rolling 6 months worth so that explains why some of you early buyers aren't seeing your initial months of driving. Hope that helps. Thanks for your patience while we resolve. Best, Erica Gartsbeyn Prius Product Manager Toyota USA
Is the data before the rolling 6 months still stored somewhere? Is there any way of getting/exporting the data? Thanks.
I knew it was not going to be fun to be one of their developers right about now. Hope they find a few hours of rest this weekend! Nothing worse than going live and having a problem right out of the chute.