I noticed today shortly before turning off the car that the screen was lagging. Sometimes there was not even response. Radio turned on and off ok, but screen was not showing it. It would then display (after several seconds) the info, display, and audio. However, when I clicked the Climate one, the MFD said, "Check the condition to the air conditioner." However, when I used the driver's controls, it worked okay. I then turned off the car, and when I turned it back on, everything appeared to be normal. What issue might this indicate? Should this be of alarm, or should I just wait to see if it happens again? The screen was significantly lagging. Might this be an issue with the air conditioning itself? I mostly run the A/C on full blast on the MAX cold (sometimes Auto (LO temp, HI fan)). Temperature in the output vent (left center one) after 5-10 minutes: 48 degrees moving. Outside temperature between 100 and 110, so it's pretty hot too. By the way, FYI, I have a '06 Prius with approximately 69,200 miles. It has an extended warranty, also. P.S. -- Should I have any maintenance done besides what is shown in maintenance book? I had transaxle fluid changed about 3,000 miles ago. Not sure if coolant fluids have been changed at all (as I have only had car for about 8,000 miles). Any other things to be done around 70,000 miles?
Thanks for the response! If I tell them what happen, will they do it? I think the issue may be having the car repeat the issue. I am sure it will do it again, I am just not sure when. I think it is an issue that becomes more frequent over time.
This is a common enough problem that is described here: Prius MFD It's caused by loss of the network connection due to broken solder traces. Can be repaired.
Thanks so much for the information! There is a lot of good info on the Web page. However, unfortunately, I am not good at dealing with the electrical workings (definitely not an electrical engineer), so I will have someone repair it. I would not want to make any mistake dealing with the electrics of the MFD either! Hopefully the issue will display itself soon enough so it can be replaced under warranty.
If pictures are not enough, don't worry. It will fail completely within a few weeks, especially if you park the car in the sun. You will have it warrantied then.
ehehe, I rememember it was that really unusually hot summer back in 05 or so when mine died like that after being parked outside in 95 F+ degree weather, mine was way less miles though, shortly after 36k, and also had extended warranty back then.