I'm surprised that with all the other bells and whistles and beeps there isn't one to let me know I left my lights on.
Once you open your door, there's a default timer to shut them down in 30 seconds...at least that's the way it is on the 10s. You can have your dealer change it to "instant off" when you open your door.
I turn my headlights on and off manually. At first I was using the automatic lights, then one day it did not turn off automatically. I came back to my car after two hours and the headlights were still on. After that happened I never went back to using the headlights automatically.
OP, just an fyi as seen in your profile, your 2011 Prius is a model Two not II unless you live in Hawaii as I think there they used the roman numeral numbering system for 2011 as well. The rest of the US only used Roman Numerals for models in 2010. As also stated the lights are on a timer and should shut off after ~30 seconds. I can't recall off hand how, but there is something one can do which makes them not turn off like what happened to kalome. When I still had my 2010 (and my 2006 as well) I just turned them on and off as needed. Now for 2012 I have full true auto and just leave them on Auto.
Hi phoneixgreg, I will try it and see if it works but the last thing I need is for it not to work and end up with no power thanks!
Tiny correction My lights don't go off 30 seconds after I open the door (after turning the car off). The lights stay on as long as I have the door open--or any other door, including the hatchback. The lights go off 30 seconds after I close the last of the doors. I looked in the Owner's Manual p. 206, and in 2010 that was how it was supposed to work. I've never left a door open like this for more than a few minutes, so there may be a fail-safe for idiots who leave doors open (which I have done). P. 165 says that if you leave the car in ACC and the shifter in Park for an hour, the car will turn OFF. But by this time, the 12 V battery could be discharged, depending on what you have been using, the Manual says.