(5:43pm EDT Fri) Hi Boys & Girls in PriusLand, No, I've not been drinking, just damn HAPPY I repaired my gas generator MYSELF !Gave it a cleaning -so hurricanes can't stop me or my PRIUS ! ***Now for the serious question: I have in front of me a 12Fl OZ bottle of "GUMOUT fUEL iNJECTOR/cARB cLEANER" iT WORKED GREAT-inside my 1996 Dodge CariVan during my recent trip to Ct & back thru Gettysberg & back to Fl. I define GREAT as a SMOOTH running engine & 25MPG w/ a van that was overloaded & I constantly cked the tire pressure. Soooooo--will it work in the PRIUS ? i'M GUESSING YES. I'm doing NOTHING. . . .'till i get a consensus. 2)Anyone is So. Fl (east coast) know the going rates for window tinting a Prius ? I just happened to park right next to a guy w/ the same color, same Gen II prius in a Harbor freight parking Lot--I left a polite note (on my business card no less) requesting where he got such a precise tinting---and the "person" never took the min. to call me back. I mean, what TROUBLE would it have been to TRY to advise me ??????????/ I would have tried to help !! then Again, I'm the son of an Irish father & a Sicilian Mother who had a Jewish great-grandfather=they taught us respect & manners and.... Anyway PLEASE HELP and everyone have a safe, HAPPY labor Day. Ciao-4-now DJ
Yes Gumout will work fine. But better off cleaning throttle body. Gets very sooty on modern cars. Very good tint on my car cost $250 in Tampa including tip. Don't cheap out. You will regret it.
^Concur with the tint. It's not my thing personally since I drive mostly at night for my job and I don't like the reduced visibility however (comma!) if you're going to get it done---don't go the "Harbor Freight" route with this accessory. You'll be wanting the "Snap-On" or at least the "Craftsman" level of tinting. The "Gumout"??? Eh? Not so much. The good news is that it probably won't hurt your car unless you go wild with it, which can be bad for the CAT. The not-so-good news is that it's really not going to do your car much good either. Great for generators and lawnmowers (although I prefer SeaFoam)...not really all that effective except maybe on a very semi-occasional basis if you're worried about injector fodding. Here's the thing. If your car is idling OK, it's probably running OK. Your G2 is old enough for you to start worrying about your throttle body and your mass air flow sensor being sullied, especially if you're one of those people who put an oily gauze pad (sold under the brand name of K&N) between your intake and your throttle body, or if you don't replace your air filter very often, or (depending on where you live and your belief in Top Tier gas) where you buy your fuel. The good news is that the MAFS is VERY easy to clean, and the throttle body probably is as well. There's probably a YouTube video out there for both and if not? I'm sure there are people on this site that have done both to a G2 (I myself have not.) IMHO, the best way to do the job correctly for either component is to remove them for cleaning, especially the throttle body. All of the ones that I have done were dirtiest on the back side, where the Gumout or the "spray and pray" machines that the dealers use can't do a proper job. Some dealerships don't even use the machine. They'll spray the same stuff that you can get at AutoZone into your intake and sock you for $100...or more. Opinions vary wildly on throttle body cleaning frequency. I myself go to 100K before I begin to worry about it, but I replace my air filters every other oil change (which I do @ 4-5k) and I burn gas from top-tier stations...NOT necessarily because I think that their gas and additives are that much better, but because I think that their TANKS and FILTERS are. Besides...they usually have cleaner restrooms and better gedunk (snacks.) Read. Watch Videos if they're available for the G2. Decide for yourself, and don't rely solely on the whimsical guesses from people (like me) who think that they know more about YOUR car than you do. Reader's Digest Version: Save the Gunk-out for the generator. Learn how to clean the MAFS and TB for yourself. Once you have the TB in your paws, you'll KNOW how dirty it really was, and how clean you really got it. Good Luck!
I couldn't sleep & decided to come online HERE--sure glad i did. A wealth of info. ETC(SS) wrote" Learn how to clean the MAFS and TB for yourself" That's GREAT-where r they & WHAT r they ?? I'm NOT afraid to get down & dirty, I just don't care to break my DREAM-Machine (Summer of '66) I've named her. I need Zzzz -So I'll google the MAFS & TB LATER. oh, b-4 I go I seem to remember reading in the forem that the inside AIR FILTERS can be bought online for something like $4 each ?? Heck I'll take 6 right away as long as they r dependable. Then i think i read one can wash them out (Vacumn ?) Ok now know I am tired thank you guys for the info . ****ps i was referring to the "Cabin Air Filter "-see, I ain't that new anymore, just tired. I'm concerned about using wetty wet though.
I would try BG 44K or Amsoil PI for fuel system cleaner. Huper Optik Tint has been awesome on my gen 3, but will cost you $500.