Okay- so I have parked in the same spot in the driveway at my parents' house for the last 9 years. However this Sunday my father- who was excited to get to his birthday golf game- backed right into MissC! Crumpled the doors on the side So anyways I had to drop it off at the body shop and get a rental car. The guy at the body shop took one look at my car and said "Gee you couldn't bring us an easy color to match or anything could you?" LOL So I have a Toyota Venza as a rental car- I have had it a couple of hours and already miss my little C. I have spun the tires I don't know how many times and feel like I am driving a bus. I imagine that I will have to get that close relationship with the gas station again which doesn't make me happy. *Sigh* It will be interesting comparing the two though. I really wish I could have gotten a Gen III aka Prius 3 as a rental though and been able to compare those!
Very curious to hear how well they're able to match the paint! Something I've worried about in the back of my mind since I chose it.
Did you take it to a Toyota dealer approved Body shop? They are usually better and get Toyotas in all the time that have dings and/or were damaged during transportation.
I did- the body shop is owned by the dealership that I bought it from so that does make me feel a little better.
Sorry for you temporary loss - hope they fix or replace the doors to your satisfaction. Re: The Venza: I drive my old Prizm occasionally - I'm amazed at how much more comfortable the Prius feels - given that the cars are almost identical weight wise and horsepower wise. C=99hp. Prizm=96hp. YMMV
Sorry about your news. Hope they will find a perfect match. Can't wait to see your report about Venza experience. I was looking at this car at some period of my car search process.
Sorry to hear this! Something kinda like this happened to me, too. I had had my c for about a month and parked at the mall. When I came back, I noticed someone had hit the driver's side corner of my rear bumper and scraped the paint completely off. Then I realized that the person who did this parked next to me! The missing paint was on their car. I couldn't believe it! So I waited for them to get back to their car and call them out on it. No way was I going to pay for my new car to be fixed. Other driver was a 16 year old girl. I told her that she hit my car and I was gonna need her insurance info. She didn't protest and all she said was "Yeah, my parents will probably take care of it." Anyway, took my car to an authorized Toyota repair shop. I had to drive a Jeep for a week. Spent two weeks worth of gas on my c on that Jeep! I was very happy to have my c back and they matched the paint perfectly. I'm sure yours will look like new again and you'll learn to love it even more. Sorry you have to drive a Venza, but at least it's not a Jeep.
LOL thanks for the story. it makes me feel better. Driving the Venza has been interesting. It feels very long and very heavy compared to my C. I constantly feel like I am going to hit something. And we think we have issues with the glare on the C's screen- the upper screen on the Venza (kind of where our info screen is) is absolutely impossible to read in the daytime. It only has light white numbers/letters and if it is the least bit sunny out.. forget it! The bluetooth disengages everytime the phone isn't around the car and a lot of times I have to pair it again when I get back in the car which is annoying. We are headed to the lake this weekend so it will be interesting to see what all I can pack into it though. But the low tire pressure light keeps coming on so I may have to end up trading it back for something else at the rental place in the next day or so. Oh and having to deal with a key again I don't like.. funny how quickly you can get spoiled by the smart key!
Update: Okay so it looks like I will be without my C for a while- couple of weeks at least. They are telling me the door is on backorder backorder.. so much that they can't even give me an estimate of the date. Re: Venza had to go back to the rental place. It kept getting a flat tire and smelled like smoke. I am now the proud temporary owner of a brand spanking new (1500 miles on it) Rav4 for the time being. I really like it a whole lot better than the Venza. I felt like I was going to back over everything in the Venza. The Rav4 is so much lighter to drive (still not as good as my C but I like it) and more nimble. Smells new too!
Sorry to hear about your situation. I'm certain they will be able to match the paint though. The newer paints are easier to match and your surely hasn't faded much at all. I know what you mean about the Venza vs Rav4. The Venza is nice but the Rav4 is much more nimble and fun to drive. Hang in there, you will eventually get it back.
I am hanging in there and actually enjoying the RAV- it will be fun to take to the lake this weekend. Of course Gary Force does a good job at their body shop so I imagine if anyone can do it, they can.
BGGirl, it's all your fault! After reading your post yesterday, I had "nightmares" last night about my poor C being banged into over and over again. LOL
Man that really sucks. Sorry to hear about your bad luck. Keep us posed on everything. The paint color too, my mom get a C as well in summer rain.
Nope and the gas just jumped again here so I miss it even more! The Rav4 has been nice to drive but I am missing my C! I am hopeful that I will get the call today that it is finished. I am tired of going to the gas station several times a week.